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  • "Amusing Ourselves to Death Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business" av Neil Postman
  • "This Is Not Propaganda Adventures in the War Against Reality" av Peter Pomerantsev
  • "Nothing is True and Everything is Possible Adventures in Modern Russia" av Peter Pomerantsev
  • "Uncommon Sense Shortcomings of the Human Mind for Handling Big-Picture, Long-Term Challenges" av Peter Seidel
  • "The Language Instinct The New Science of Language and Mind (Penguin Science)" av Steven Pinker
  • "Idiot America" av P. Charles Pierce
  • "The better angels of our nature the decline of violence in history and its causes" av Steven Pinker
  • "Konspiranoia konspirasjonsteorier fra 666 til WTC" av Arnfinn Pettersen
  • "Innumeracy Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences" av John Allen Paulos
  • "Incredible Shrinking Son of Man How Reliable is the Gospel Tradition?" av Robert M. Price
  • "Bad Astronomy Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Astrology to the Moon Landing Hoax (Bad Science)" av Philip C. Plait
  • "Death from the Skies! The Science Behind the End of the World" av Philip Plait
  • "Voodoo Science" av Robert L. Park
  • "The stuff of thought" av Steven Pinker
  • "How the Mind Works" av Steven Pinker
  • "The blank slate the modern denial of human nature" av Steven Pinker