When Nietzsche Wept

A Novel of Obsession (Perennial Classics)

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Perennial 2008 Paperback

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Forlag Perennial

Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780060748128

Språk Engelsk

Sider 320

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Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler.

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A cosmic perspective always attenuates tragedy. If we climb high enough, we will reach a height from which tragedy ceases to look tragic.

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"But surely" - and Nietzsche shook his clenched fists - "you must realize that there is no reality to any of your preoccupations! Your vision of Bertha, the halo of attraction and love that surround her - these don't really exist. These poor phantasms are not part of nominal reality. All seeing is relative, and so is all knowing. We invent what we experience. And what we have invented, we can destroy."
Breuer opened his mouth to protest that this was exactly the kind of exhortation that was pointless, but Nietzsche plunged on.
"Let me make it clearer, Josef. I have a friend - had one - Paul Ree, a philosopher. We both belive that God is dead. He concludes that a life without God is meaningless, and so great is his distress that he flirts with suicide: for convenience, he wears at all time a vial of poison around his neck. For me, however, godlessness is an occasion for rejoicing. I exalt in my freedom. I say to myself, `What would there be to create if gods existed?´ You see what I mean? The same situation, the same sense data - but two realities!"

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"Yes, eternal recurrence means that every time you choose an action you must be willing to choose it for all eternity. And it is the same for every action not made, every stillborn thought, every choice avoided. And all unloved life will remain bulging inside you, unlived through all eternity. And the unheeded voice of your conscience will cry out to you forever."
"So, as I understand it, eternal recurrence promises a form of immortality?"
"No!" Nietzsche was vehement. "I teach that life should never be modified, or squelched, because the promise of some other kind of life in the future. What is immortal is this life, this moment. There is no afterlife, no goal toward which this life points, no apocalyptic tribunal or judgement. This moment exists forever, and you, alone, are your only audience."

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