Robert Ludlum's The Hades factor

av (forfatter) og Gayle Lynds (forfatter).

St. Martin's Griffin 2000 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.63 (19 terningkast.)

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Tre mennesker dør plutselig og smertefullt av et ukjent virus. I tre dager forsøker vitenskapsmennene å finne ut hvor viruset kommer fra, men da en av forskerne, Jonathan Smith, finner ut at hans forlovede er blitt virusets fjerde offer, skjønner han at noen har viruset og at livene til millioner av mennesker er i fare. Smith vet ikke hvem han kan stole på, og han samler sammen ei egen gruppe som skal forsøke å finne ut sannheten om det dødelige viruset. Dette er første bok om Jon Smith og Randi Russel.

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Robert Ludlum is the unchallenged master of suspense and global intrigue. For more than thirty years, his books have thrilled hundreds of millions of readers. Each one of his books have reached the top of bestseller lists the world over and has set a standard that's yet to be equaled. Now, from the imagination of one of America's greatest storytellers, comes Covert-One - a bold new series of international thrillers that deliver the complex, compelling action and heart-stopping suspense for which Robert Ludlum has become so justly famous. THA HADES FACTOR#11;A homeless man in Boston, an Army Major in California, and a teenage girl in Atlanta all die suddenly and painfully - each a victim of an unknown doomsday virus. For three days, a team of scientists in a U.S. government laboratory has been frantically trying to unlock the virus's secrets. When the leading researcher from that lab, Lt. Col. Jonathan Smith, return from overseas, he barely survives a series of well-orchestrated attempts made on his life. By the time Smith eludes his pursuers and makes it home, he discovers that the virus has claimed its fourth victim, Dr. Sophia Russell - Smith's fiancée. Devastated and enraged, Smith quickly uncovers evidence that his lover's death was no accident - that someone out there has the virus, and the pandemic that threatens hundreds of millions of lives is no accident. But wherever he turns, Smith finds that some unseen force has blocked his quest for information.#11;Not knowing whom to trust, Smith assembles a private team to search for the truth behind the deadly virus. While the death toll mounts, their quest leads to the highest levels of power and the darkest corners of the earth, as they match wits with a determined genius - and as the fate of the world lies in the balance.


Forlag St. Martin's Griffin

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780312264376

EAN 9780312264376

Serie Covert-one

Genre Agenter og spioner

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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