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HarperTrophy 1996 Heftet

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Ritha Hellands eksemplar av Sabriel


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Sabriel, the daughter of the Mage Abhorsen, has lived outside the Wall of the Old Kingdom - far away from the uncontrolled power of Free Magic, and away from the Dead who won't stay dead. Now her father is gone missing and she is called upon to cross back into that world to search for him. Leaving her safe life, Sabriel throws herself in to a quest tensed with magical dangers, with companions she's unfamiliar of. Nothing is as it seems within the boundary of the Old Kingdom. She has to confront an evil and comes face to face with her hidden destiny.

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Sabriel, the daughter of the Mage Abhorsen, has lived outside the Wall of the Old Kingdom - far away from the uncontrolled power of Free Magic, and away from the Dead who won't stay dead. Now her father is gone missing and she is called upon to cross back into that world to search for him. Leaving her safe life, Sabriel throws herself in to a quest tensed with magical dangers, with companions she's unfamiliar of. Nothing is as it seems within the boundary of the Old Kingdom. She has to confront an evil and comes face to face with her hidden destiny.


Forlag HarperTrophy

Utgivelsesår 1996

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780064471831

EAN 9780064471831

Serie The Old Kingdom (1)

Genre Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Sider 491

Utgave 1

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