The goddess guide

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2007 Heftet

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The sumptuous soft-cover edition of The Goddess Guide--the bestselling style bible Gisele Scanlon has picked out the best bits from her personal diary, address book and fashion contacts to reveal insider information, glamour secrets and a multitude of heavenly recommendations to allow every woman to find her inner goddess -- whether it's the earth goddess or the urban. The life-enhancing content includes: what you should have in your make-up bag to tackle every problem; how to sell your clothes on eBay; the dos and don'ts of shoes according to Christian Louboutin; the best way to get value out of that little black dress; plucking the neatest eyebrows; getting extra legroom when booking a flight; planning a divine date; booking a hotel with the comfiest bed; entertaining with champagne; looking after cashmere; de-cluttering your home; buying jeans to lengthen your legs; finding gifts for the trickiest people and instructions from Linda Evangelista's trainer on honing a small behind. Sumptuous, approachable and friendly, this gorgeous style-bible is both fixer and facilitator -- destined to be your new best friend, personal, trend-setting concierge and ultimate Goddess Guide.

Omtale fra forlaget

The sumptuous soft-cover edition of The Goddess Guide-the bestselling style bibleGisele Scanlon has picked out the best bits from her personal diary, address book and fashion contacts to reveal insider information, glamour secrets and a multitude of heavenly recommendations to allow every woman to find her inner goddess - whether it's the earth goddess or the urban.The life-enhancing content includes: what you should have in your make-up bag to tackle every problem; how to sell your clothes on eBay; the dos and don'ts of shoes according to Christian Louboutin; the best way to get value out of that little black dress; plucking the neatest eyebrows; getting extra legroom when booking a flight; planning a divine date; booking a hotel with the comfiest bed; entertaining with champagne; looking after cashmere; de-cluttering your home; buying jeans to lengthen your legs; finding gifts for the trickiest people and instructions from Linda Evangelista's trainer on honing a small behind.Sumptuous, approachable and friendly, this gorgeous style-bible is both fixer and facilitator - destined to be your new best friend, personal, trend-setting concierge and ultimate Goddess Guide.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007261437

EAN 9780007261437

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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