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Slik var det før. Sol. Smil. Graut med smørauge og søt saft.
Dagen etter begynte pappa på sommarprosjektet. Det gjer han kvar sommar. Prosjektet er som regel noko stort og vanskeleg som skal byggast. Og det er alltid mamma som har bestemt det.
For vi haver bestandig vundet, undtagen naar vi har tabt, og da haver vi været meget mindre.
His wings covered us, keeping the chill of his touch from burning me. His lips met mine. We xplored each other slowly, thoroughly, with a sense of wonder and surrender. As our bodies began to move together I knew complete joy.
I didn't kiss him because of stress, or fear, or escape, or because of anything except the fact that I wanted to kiss him. I like him. Really, really like him.
No chocolate? Yea, there's some really expensive chocolate in the cabintes. The vamps say chocolate in moderation is good for us. OKAY, WHO THE HELL WANTS CHOCOLATE IN MODERATION?
I don't like their kind - the kind of people who try to control others and make them look bad just to feel better about themselves.