Stray (Faythe Sanders - Book 1) (MIRA)

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Mira Books 2009 Paperback

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Fantasy / SF




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Forlag Mira Books

Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780778303220

Sider 624

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“A smart woman would have shut up. Did I? Hell no. Intelligence is overrated anyway.”

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“Hey, you wanna drop back a few paces? Did you forget how spying works? You're supposed to at least aim for unobtrusive. The others pretty much have it down, but you're about as inconspicuous as a drag queen at a Girl Scout meeting.

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“My mother turned towards me with a coffeepot in each hand, her jaw dangling somewhere near her collarbone. You’d think she’d never seen me naked, when I knew for a fact I’d been born that way.”

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“What is it about women and luggage? You don’t have to bring everything you own, and it shouldn’t take this long to throw some clothes into a bag. In fact, if it will save you any time, just leave the underwear out all together.”

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“Sometimes I suspected Ryan was merely visiting the real world, on vacation from his permanent residence in la-la land.”

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“It was an addiction. A pointless, self-destructive addiction. But really, is there any other kind?”

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“Faythe, it's me!"
"I know who the hell you are. Why do you think I kicked you?”

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“He was half again my size, but when we embraced, I felt like I was holding him up, and it was all I could do to remain standing. He buried his face in my hair, his body shaking against me with the spasmodic rhythm of unrestrained sobs. It was almost more than I could bear gracefully.”

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“Wonderful, a death match on my first day behind bars. Some girls have all the luck”

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“The moment the door opened I knew an ass-kicking was inevitable. Whether I'd be giving it or receiving it was still a bit of a mystery.”

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Målet er å lese minst 24 bøker i kategorien "Horror & Urban Fantasy" i løpet av 2011. Man velger selv hvilke bøker man vil lese, og man kan endre boklista underveis dersom man ønsker det.

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