Exquisite Rebel

The Essays of Voltairine De Cleyre - Anarchist, Feminist, Genius

av (forfatter), Sharon Presley (editor) og Crispin Sartwell (editor).

State University of New York Press Paperback

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Marianne Augustas eksemplar av Exquisite Rebel - The Essays of Voltairine De Cleyre - Anarchist, Feminist, Genius


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Forlag State University of New York Press

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780791460948

Språk Engelsk

Sider 331

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And then, to turn cloudward, starward, skyward, and let the dreams rush over one – no longer awed by outside powers of any order – recognizing nothing superior to oneself – painting, painting endless pictures, creating unheard symphonies that sing dream sounds to you alone, extending sympathies to the dumb brutes as equal brothers, kissing the flowers as one did when a child, letting oneself go free, go free beyond the bounds of what fear and custom call the “possible,” – this too Anarchism may mean to you, if you dare to apply it so. And if you do some day, – if sitting at your work-bench, you see a vision of surpassing glory, some picture of that golden time when there shall be no prisons on the earth, nor hunger, nor houselessness, nor accusation, nor judgment, and hearts open as printed leaves, and candid as fearlessness, if then you look across at your lowbrowed neighbor, who sweats and smells and curses at his toil, – remember that as you do not know his depth neither do you know his height. He too might dream if the yoke of custom and law and dogma were broken from him. Even now you know not what blind, bound, motionless chrysalis is working there to prepare its winged thing

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