
Alle a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z æ ø å #
  • "Alchemy" av E.J. Holmyard
  • "Kabbalah and Exodus" av Z'Ev Ben Shimon Halevi
  • "Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree" av Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
  • "The Work of the Kabbalist" av Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
  • "The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage (Dover Occult)" av S. L. MacGregor Mathers
  • "The Secret Lore of Music The Hidden Power of Orpheus" av Fabre d'Olivet
  • "Star Names Their Lore and Meaning" av Richard H. Allen
  • "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors Christianity Before Christ (Forgotten Books)" av Kersey Henry Graves
  • "The New Patterns in the Sky Myths and Legends of the Stars" av Julius D. Staal
  • "Great Pyramid Proof of God" av George R. Riffert
  • "Signs & Symbols in Christian Art" av G Ferguson
  • "Golden Age of Myth & Legend (Wordsworth Reference) (Wordsworth Collection)" av T. Bullfinch
  • "The Ancient Near East (Volume II) A New Anthology of Texts and Pictures" av James B. Pritchard
  • "The Ancient Near East, Volume 1 An Anthology of Texts and Pictures" av James B. Pritchard
  • "Glands The Mirror of Self" av Onslow H. Wilson
  • "The story of freemasonry," av William G Sibley
  • "The Kybalion, Hermetic Philosophy A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece" av Three Initiates
  • "Esoteric Keys of Alchemy" av Paul Foster Case
  • "The Mysteries of Mithra - The Definitive Accopunt of a Crucial Historical Moment when a Colorful Oriental Religion Swept Over The Roman Empire" av Franz Cumont
  • "The Rough Guide to Unexplained Phenomena" av John Michell