1001 wines you must try before you die

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Cassell 2018 Heftet

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Hilde H Helseths eksemplar av 1001 wines you must try before you die


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A fascinating and sumptuously illustrated guide to the most palatable and interesting wines from every winegrowing region of the world, fully updated for 2018.
Among the thousands of great wines on the market, which should you try at least once in your lifetime? 1001 Wines You Must Try Before You Die ensures that you make the right decision every time. This evocative and informative guide identifies the wines and vintages most likely to please the palate, explains what makes them so special and suggests when best to drink them. Some of the 1001 wines selected are old and rare, most are readily available and many represent spectacular value; a few are controversial, a few are curiosities, but all are worthy of their place. Together they reflect the variety that is part of the enduring fascination of fine wine.

Neil Beckett and his team of wine connoisseurs and writers recommend a huge variety of wines in 1001 factfilled and entertaining reviews packed with history, anecdote, facts and opinion. They share their experience and expertise through evocative and seductive tasting notes, and give guidelines on cost. Photographs of the wine labels and bottles as well as stunning photographs of the vineyards, wineries and winemakers supplement the text.

Essential for every wine lover, 1001 Wines You Must Try Before You Die is a fascinating and sumptuous guide that enhances the intellectual as well as the sensual pleasure to be taken in the world's most exciting and expressive wines.


Forlag Cassell

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781788400855

EAN 9781788400855

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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