The power of the wandering mind

nondirective meditation in science and philosophy

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Dyade Press 2019 Heftet

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Omar Zavalas eksemplar av The power of the wandering mind - nondirective meditation in science and philosophy


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Nondirective Meditation is not about emptying the mind. Instead, mind wandering is seen as an important resource. Silently repeating a meditation sound helps to cultivate a free mental attitude. The activity in the brain's default mode network increases, enriching the flow of spontaneous thought. Mind wandering brings rest and recuperation, helps us consolidate our memory of the past, and stimulates our planning toward future goals. It enhances creativity and makes it easier to shift perspective. It is a central feature of empathy and social relations.
In fifteen chapters, experts in neuroscience, medicine, psychology, philosophy and the humanities share groundbreaking perspectives on how nondirective meditation interacts with brain and body, mind and culture.


Forlag Dyade Press

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788291405551

EAN 9788291405551

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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