Du har laget en innholdsrik og interessant liste, Lillevi!
Kanskje er det plass til poetry her også?
The Tent Generations: Palestinian Poems
Selected, introduced and translated
from the Arabic by
Mohammed Sawaie
Snipped from the introduction:
This collection gathers a select number of twentieth-century Palestinian poets who give expression to the Palestinian experience under Israeli rule as well as the experience of dispersion of the Palestinian population from their homeland ensuing from the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the subsequent wars of 1967 and 1973. All these tragic conflict contributed to the loss of homeland, life under occupation, and the fragmentation of society and community.
It should be noted that poetry has had an extremely high status among other cultural productions in Arabic culture. Poetry arises for a variety of occasions; it is not some rarified genre of literature, but one with some mass appeal to a variety of audiences and readership. More than other literary genres, poetry has played a similar role among Palestinians in Israel, and it is characterized as a product created spontaneously in reaction to events. Poetic themes, as evidenced by this anthology, are very much linked to historical, political and cultural changes before and after 1948.
It is poetry of protest and of defence of usurped or oppressed freedom; a kind of counter cultural attack to the culture of occupation. This is why our poets in occupied land acquire special significance ……. Palestinian poetry does not exhibit any racist attitudes…..it does not exhibit a sense of superiority; it expresses human’s deep connection to his (the poet’s) land not apparent in all Arabic poetry……..Land in this poetry is the alter ego of the person; it is his existential extension, the part the completes the whole.
Viser 3 svar.
Ja absolutt! Tusen takk, Ava. Boken er lagt til listen. Fint at du har tatt med så mye fra introduksjonen.
Inspirert av deg la jeg også inn diktsamlingene "Tunga mi protesterer mot døden" og "Hvorfor lot du hesten bli igjen alene". Har du lest noen av dem? I så fall, noen anbefalinger?
Jeg har ikke lest noen av diktsamlingene du nevner, men jeg lot meg friste til å kjøpe Hvorfor lot du hesten bli igjen alene - på antikvarnet.:)
Så fint at du fikk tak i den. Jeg lot meg også friste og har bestilt den samme diktsamlingen hos Alquds, Palestinabutikken.