Hvorfor uttaler du deg ikke når det blir snakket negativt om Israel? Det blir fremstilt som det er sannheten. Ofte blir dette fremstilt slik i norske medier også. Bør Holocaust ses fra flere perspektiver?

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"I think the primary reason is because of the identity of the perpetrator.
A country that has been founded in the aftermath of what is probably still now the most deadly genocide ever commited against a protected group. I'm talking about the Holocaust.
A perpetrator can become a victim and a victim can become a perpetrator. This is actually the story that history tells us, human civilizations tells us.
I think it is important to move beyond those considerations even if they are there, and to understand that genocide is not a question of belief. It is not a question of opinion, even. It is a question of law."

  • AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Israel is committing GENOCIDE against Palestinians in GAZA/AGNES CALLAMARD (Lenke).
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