“Vaccine tourism”


where people from Mexico and even Taiwan — which is its own
country, not a territory of China —
are flocking to the United States to get free death shots
that are misleadingly labeled “vaccines.”

Many people in Taiwan, Mexico and other countries have been
brainwashed into thinking America’s vaccines are somehow better,

not realizing that even in America, the vaccines are engineered
as depopulation weapons
to exterminate the human race through infertility and spike
protein deaths.

Thus, the very people who think they’re picking up “freebies”
from America are about to find out they’re dead wrong.

At the same time, the CDC [Helsediktaturiatet]

is bribing nine dating apps, using part of its $1 billion
propaganda slush fund
to push vaccine brainwashing onto the public.
So now, dating apps are allowing vaccinated individuals to
show special vaccine badges,
as if someone being old, fat and saggy will suddenly be more
attractive if they’re shedding spike protein.

[ de vaksinerte vaksine-doserer oss med byggesett for nye
virus-varianter, vi trengte vel flere i omløp ? ]

Japan is targeting the elderly with covid vaccines because
they need to exterminate a few million of them
in order to keep their own government solvent
and end social benefits to the elderly.
So they’re pushing hard to get covid bioweapons injected into
everyone 65 and older.

In Canada, creepy vaccine predators are now ensnaring young
children into getting vaccinated
by offering them free ice cream.

This is apparently allowed under Canadian law, which says
parents have no role in parenting, and children are the
property of the state.

If you thought the ice cream trucks cruising down child-filled
neighborhood streets were creepy,
the government of Canada just upped the ante on child predators.

Soon, Canadian government child predators will be chasing young
kids down the street with a syringe in one hand and an ice cream
scoop in the other, screaming,
“It’s yummy! Don’t you want some ice cream, little boy?”


OPPDATering 29mai klokken 22+ :

For de som er reelt interessert i å holde seg
informert om ferske nyhetsspor i vårt krigs-sensurerte
så ta en god kaffekopp og les videre dagens her : EXclusive

Og for å skjønne alvoret ytterligere, gårsdags UPDATE -

få helst med Disqus-kommentarene, som kan være ganske

Idyllen som sådan var berørt i en snirkledulle HER

som i hovedlinje gjelder hodevaskede Nordmenns holdninger
til hjemmefronten som setter livet inn for å få fram
usensurerte nyheter, til mulig interesserte og
ikke-hypnotiserte -- alle som lever i en viss skepsis til
okkupantene som truer straff over ikke-friserte meninger,
men heller selv vil bedømme fakta og hvem som kan være de
aller galeste.

Her bidras også til å se art og omfang av slike
forbrytelser mot menneskeheten,
som i forrige runde ( Nürnberg-rettsoppgjøret 1945 samt


) hvorav vi da fikk lovgivning som skulle gi starten til
sameint internasjonal grunnlov
mot medisinske o.l. forsøk rettet mot umyndige eller
også utilstrekkelig informerte 'frivillige'

og en historisk straffepraksis som kan bety dødsstraff.


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