gikk Riktig Galt:

Hvordan ble Tidens Galskap så 'Politisk Riktig'?

Gåten er her oppsummert med kraft av John Whitehead:

Consider: for years now, Americans, with sheeplike placidity,
have tolerated all manner of injustices and abuses meted out
upon them by the government
(police shootings of unarmed individuals, brutality,
corruption, graft, outright theft, occupations and invasions
of their homes by militarized police,
roadside strip searches, profit-driven incarcerations,
profit-driven wars, egregious surveillance,
taxation without any real representation,
a nanny state that dictates every aspect of their lives,

lockdowns, overcriminalization, etc.)
without ever saying “enough is enough.”

Only now do Americans seem righteously indignant enough to
mobilize and get active, and for what purpose?

They’re ready to go to the mat over which corporate puppet
will get the honor to serve as the smiling face on the pig
for the next four years.

Talk about delusion.

It’s so ludicrous as to be Kafkaesque.

while President Trump doles out medals of commendation and
presidential pardons to political cronies who have done little
to nothing to advance the cause of freedom,
Julian Assange rots in prison for daring to blow the whistle
on the U.S. government’s war crimes

You’d think that Americans would be outraged over such abject
pandering to the very swamp that Trump pledged to drain,
but that’s not what has the Right and the Left so worked up.
No, they’re still arguing over whether dead men voted in the
last presidential election.


We stand utterly silenced in the face of government and
corporate censors and a cancel culture that,
in their quest to not offend certain viewpoints, are all too
willing to eradicate views that do not conform.
In this way, political correctness has given way to a more insidious
form of group think and mob rule.

We stand utterly locked down in the face of COVID-19
mandates, restrictions, travel bans
and penalties
that are acclimating the populace to unquestioningly accede
to the government’s dictates, whatever they might be
(as long as they are issued in the name of national security),
no matter how extreme or unreasonable.

We stand utterly intimidated in the face of red flag laws,
terrorism watch lists, contact tracing programs,
zero tolerance policies, and all other manner of police state
tactics that aim to keep us fearful and compliant.

..We stand utterly defenseless in the face of a technological
revolution brought about by artificial intelligence and
wall-to-wall surveillance
that is re-orienting the world as we know it.
Despite the mounting high-tech encroachments on our rights,
we have been afforded a paltry amount of legislative and
judicial protections:
Indeed, Corporate America has more rights than we do.

We stand utterly powerless in the face of government bureaucrats
and elected officials who dance to the tune of corporate
overlords and do what they want, when they want,
with whomever they want at taxpayer expense,
with no thought or concern for the plight of those they are
supposed to represent.
To this power elite, “we the people” are good for only two
things: our tax dollars and our votes.
In other words, they just want our money.

We stand utterly helpless in the face of government violence
that is meted out, both at home and abroad. Indeed,
the systemic violence being perpetrated by agents of the
government — inflicted on unarmed individuals by battlefield-
trained SWAT teams, militarized police,
and bureaucratic government agents trained to shoot first
and ask questions later —
has done more collective harm to the American people
and their liberties than any single act of terror
or mass shooting.

( full tekst gjengitt her , opprinnelig her )

Relatert skrift: Constitution, Fact or Fiction ( 1995 )

Jon Rappoport om virus-okkupasjonens to faser

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