Vaksine-teknikk Rykende uprøvd:

UK government prepared for a vaccine death wave

The adverse reactions caused by mRNA coronavirus vaccines are so widespread
that the UK government recently admitted it is expecting a massive wave
of coronavirus vaccine “adverse reactions” / side effects.

As described in previous article, “VACCINE DEATH WAVE: UK government
posts bid for AI system to process the expected flood of COVID-19 vaccine
injuries and side effects described as a ‘direct threat to patient life’“:

The UK government has posted a bid and an award contract notice, seeking
an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that can process the expected flood
of covid-19 vaccine injuries and side effects.

That bid explains, in the government’s own words:

The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to
process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction
(ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.

In other words, they already know these vaccines are going to kill a huge
number of people.

David Knight featured a UK whistleblower on his show today who revealed
that coronavirus vaccine adjuvants are demonstrating a 97% sterility rate
in women who take the vaccine.
This is what happens when you turn your protein synthesis over to evil
corporations who are pursuing a global depopulation agenda:

Coronavirus vaccine deaths will be categorized as covid-19 deaths
to keep the scam going

Most importantly, as people start dying from coronavirus vaccines,
the medical establishment will categorize all those deaths as “covid-19
deaths” in order to claim the pandemic is getting worse.

This will create a whole new cycle of death, media hysteria and
mandatory vaccine policies.
Those, in turn, will kill even more people,
feeding into the very same feedback loop that results in even more
people being vaccinated and killed.

Ultimately, the vaccines themselves will likely end up killing more people
than the coronavirus. And we will have achieved George Orwell’s
authoritarian medical nightmare where the “treatment” keeps the pandemic
going in perpetuity,
all while the entire scamdemic is used to crush human freedom and
enslave people in their own homes and apartments, all around the world.

This is what happens when you let Big Pharma collude with the deep state
to crush human freedom and work toward their ultimate goal
of mass genocide against the human race.

Bill Gates is no doubt celebrating right now, even before the mass deaths

If you want to survive all this, resist the coronavirus vaccine at all costs.
Resist vaccine violence with every means of self-defense you have available,
or you will be killed.


The AstraZeneca vaccine, by the way, is made with aborted human fetal cells
from a 14-week-old male baby. So if you get injected with this vaccine,
it’s medical cannibalism,
and you’re supporting the baby body parts harvesting-for-profit industry
(i.e. Planned Parenthood baby chop shops).

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Viser 5 svar.

Fra Hjemmefronten


Ja, vil De ha strengt seriøse krigsvirus apokalypse-varsler
først, og så de evigblomstrende 1.Aprilsnarr kaosryktene ?

Kommer uansett fra de samme uutgrunnelige Vise menn ?

Økende skarer eksperter fra 'smittevesenet' protesterer mot
skjulte, dødelig destruktive effekter av både programmet og
de stadig feilere innsiktede vaksinene direkte.
"Forveksle oss bare ikke med Smithevenner! ?"

Top vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid
-19 vaccinations immediately, or “uncontrollable monster”
will be unleashed

A top vaccine scientist named Geert Vanden Bossche, who has
worked with numerous vaccine corporations and organizations
including GAVI, is sounding the alarm over the mass
vaccination of populations around the world with covid-19

...says they are “the wrong weapon” to be deployed on a
global scale when high pressures of infectious pathogens
are present.
Read my global WARNING & scientific evidence :

Ongoing mass vaccination deployments are “highly-likely to
further enhance ‘adaptive’ immune escape as none of the
current vaccines will prevent replication/transmission of
viral variants” :
As such, “The more we use these vaccines for immunizing
people in the midst of a pandemic, the more infectious
the virus will become”.

People who get “fully vaccinated” are breeders for “super
strains” of even more deadly covid pathogens

Rettfram sagt: >
Why healthy people must avoid the vaccinated in order to
evade the super strains they are shedding.


En viss norsk Hjemmefront går derimot åpenlyst inn for
jomfru-ofring til å blidgjøre Krig- og kaosmaktene:

She Would “Love to Die” From the AstraZeneca Vaccine if it
Helps Others:
“Someone has to sacrifice in order for the rest to be safe.”


og blir det dypere selvpiskende folkekrosstog herav, så
beregn nøye hva for fiende som tar inntektene..?
Et opptøy totalt utilgjengelig for logikk, men denne var
ingenlunde invitert.

"Det høres sikkert veldig brutalt ut. Men noen må ofres
i krigen mot koronaen. Sånn er det i alle kriger.
Denne gangen kan det godt være meg."

( ) -   - ( tv2.norge )

"Og det eneste våpenet vårt er vaksiner." Her tros det fanatisk,
'Operasjonsmagisk sakramentslære'

"Demokrati uten opplysning ender i fascisme."

(Ingrid E.Wergeland siterer Ingeborg Refling Hagen)


Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Den store Nedskjæringen av Sivilisasjon og Frihet

skjer i neste uke:
EU vil måtte innføre 'Vaksine-passet'.
Fase to av diktaturet Covid: Fangestaten er her.

Men EUs glansnummer var å kunne reise uten pass,
så de vokter seg og kaller passet et 'sertifikat'

Hvorfor skulle de vel slippe deg inn på et rutefly
om du ikke har veterinærattest: "Ferdig smittet".
Ikke 'smittefri', det lar seg aldri garantere.

Hvorfor skulle de vel slippe deg inn på Kjøpesenteret
OverFloden, forresten, uten en lydighetsattest?

Uten Stikket i Armen: Null reise- og virkefrihet.

Fyldigere artikkel på utenlandsk: - Les her -


Det begynte med undertrykkende restriksjoner og
et eget politi til å bevåke antatt smitteutrygg
opptreden, som var voldelig alvorlig holdningsforbrytelse.

Helse-etatens diktatur? Snarere politisk diktatur
under hvite frakker.
Å stå imot en helseetats mange fareskilt, måtte ikke det
være fiendskap mot hele tvangsstaten og samfunnet?
Altså: Statens vilje i hvit frakk.

Politisk ledelse i alle klodens land trådte til side
for $Bill Gates og 'VerdensHelserådet' som brått var
enerådende ekspertise.

Kritisk tenkning er avsatt som ulydighet,
om du så er tung professor i immunologi etc.

Den ferdig vaksinerte kan uten videre bli smittebærer,
farligere enn oss aldri smittede, som 'tiltakene'
skulle holde i kraven.
Hva er det da 'sertifikatet' fastslår som sikkert?

Plikten til å ta imot Vaksinen, den er fyrtårnet.
Behandling av den Covid-rammede finnes ikke, enda så
alment den er blitt dokumentert - gjennom 100 år.

Åpent er det bekjent at Vaksinen varig endrer din
arvekode: Virusfragmenter skal du produsere all din dag
og sprute ned alt folket med.
Andre tiltak er da overflødige.
Men vi måtte alle Caramba bli Gen-modifiserte organismer!

Nå er det ikke strengt hemmeligholdt at visse eliter
ivrer for sterk nedskjæring av 'vår' klodes befolkning -
og har søkt sine metoder.

Var så ikke Covid-metoden drastisk nok,
geni-vanvittig nok?


Flere små artikler med litt spark i:

Biologisk umulige sprang -- noen spørsmål

Farma-gigant Merck tror ikke mer på Covid-vaksine

Kommunen ville stifte Perfekt religion?

Hele pandemien -- krigslist og lureri?

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

You want real science and known facts.
Here you go.

The mRNA vaccines cause the body to produce spike proteins.
This cannot be turned off, as the cells are reprogrammed using
an artificial virus.

Did you not know that Moderna and Pfizer’s “vaccine” is an
artificial virus?

A virus is a genetic instruction set in a protein envelope that
attaches itself to a host cell, and reprograms it to produce new
viral instruction sets that are sent out to infect other cells.

The “vaccine” is an instruction set in a lipid envelope that sets
out to attach itself to host cells and reprogram them to produce
new proteins, along with mRNA copies that will infect other cells,
causing them to join the party.

mRNA is an instruction set that rewrites DNA in order to reproduce
a new modified version of the cell. The modified cell is now a
spike protein factory.

The PCR test is looking for the genetic sequence of these proteins.
Running it above 30 cycles pretty much guarantees it will pick up
any sequence similar to the supposed SARS-CoV-2 genetic markers.
The proteins generated by the “vaccines” will absolutely cause the
PCR test to return a positive result.

Our political masters know this. The massive push for the vaccines
is absolutely about making sure the “pandemic” can continue
Any vaccinated person will test positive for many months,
perhaps even years.

Also, case number increases are irrelevant until deaths correlate
with them.
Viruses virtually always mutate into a more contagious, less
dangerous form.

Viruses are parasitic, and the most successful parasite spreads
easily and does not kill its host.
Those that mutate to more dangerous form kill their means of
transmission, and quickly disappear.
Panic over case numbers of “variants”, the new and improved name
for mutations, is as valid as panicking over case numbers
of dandruff.

Case numbers are of no concern. Only effects are.

As long as Covid tests are required for medical procedures,
travel, employment, etc. the positive cases will continue. . . .

If they didn't lose potency as they spread, there wouldn't be a
single species of animal left on the planet!

( kilde )

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

36 known coronaviruses -- What are they testing for?

As Dr Tenpenny says, “When they said, ‘Well,
everybody’s got to get tested.’ What are they testing for?

( se poengfylt læresamtale her >

If there are 36 known coronaviruses that have been around for six
decades – for sixty years, these viruses have been known and been
typed and it’s an RNA virus, so each time it goes through
somebody … it morphs into a new subtype.

What are they testing for? Are they testing for the fact that you
had coronavirus influenza-like illness 7 years ago
and now you have an antibody to that? Is that what they’re finding?

Are they specifically looking for the SARS-CoV2 antibody? Has it
been around long enough for anybody to do that?

We know there are at least 30 sub-strains of that virus.
We keep talking about ‘The Virus’, like there is one.

There’s the virus … from the beginning, the Wuhan virus outbreak
and whatever it was, was different than was happening in Iran;
different than what was happening in Italy; different than
New York; different than California –
and even The New York Times ran an article, that said they know
there’s at least 30 of subtypes of this family of this particular
virus, already … so what are we testing for?

… if you get an IgG antibody, does that mean you’re currently sick
and you’re recovered or does that mean that you had an IgG antibody
from the virus that you had 17 years ago? What does that mean?

And if you have an IgM antibody and you are completely asymptomatic,
does that mean you’re ‘infected’ and you might be like Typhoid Mary,
spreading stuff around?

“They mixed all that data together, they threw it all in a pot,
so none of it has any validity, none of it. None of it!

And since we don’t know what the true denominator is, we have no
understanding about incidence and prevalence and … the death rate
is absolutely irrelevant.”

The question becomes, ‘What the Hell are they going to put in
the vaccine?’

To date, vaccines have NEVER BEEN TESTED for:

• synergistic toxicity
• carcinogenic potential
• mutagenic potential
• teratogenicity (causing birth defects)
• potential to impair fertility

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Uprøvd ii)

Narkolepsi og 'Pandemrix' vaksine hadde vi jo glemt?

"kan hende at de som fikk både svineinfluensa og vaksinen, hadde større risiko for å få narkolepsi. (. . )

Men det er så godt som ingen som betviler at narkolepsi var
en bivirkning av Pandemrix-vaksinen, mener Nordstrand."

se omtale >

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

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