USA-valget fjernstyrt fra Kina?

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Mistenkelige forstyrrelser med valgdata har skjedd.
Omfanget er trolig nå under intens etterforskning: en rekke
valgkretser har brukt samme system, ikke minst presis i
de antatte 'vippestatene'. De etterforskede reagerer typisk
med forbitrelse, ikke i noen forferdet samarbeidsvilje.

"The Dominion software 'glitch' ONLY took votes from President
Trump and Republicans." ( Spectator )

Mistenkte, Bidens neo-kommunistiske parti, hadde i forvei
åpent skrytt av planer om å fikse valget.
I litt sterk trosvisshet om at okkupant-staten alt hadde
kontroll over det nødvendige maktapparat?

En rel. nøytral redaksjon gir oss det følgende:

"Beyond suspicious"

En valginspektør vitner: Firmaene [som leverte datasystemet
for innsjekking og stemmehåndtering] gikk inn på sene kvelden
og lastet opp noe, det er ikke normalt, og skapte forstyrrelser

The companies “uploaded something last night, which is not normal,
and it caused a glitch,” said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor
at Spalding County Board of Election.
That glitch prevented pollworkers from using the pollbooks to
program smart cards that the voters insert into the voting machines.

Ridley said that a representative from the two companies called her
after poll workers began having problems with the equipment Tuesday
morning and said the problem was due to an upload to the machines
by one of their technicians overnight.

“That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them
update anything the day before the election,”
Ridley said. She did not know what the upload contained.

Gabriel Sterling, voting system implementation manager in the
secretary of state’s office, told reporters that the issue
likely was a dataset that got uploaded to the systems, but that
they don’t know for certain. He did not say if the dataset was
uploaded by the voting machine vendor.

Sterling told reporters the issue took some time to fix because
technicians had to bring in additional equipment to correct
the problem.

Neither Dominion nor KnowInk responded to a request to comment.
A spokesperson for the secretary of state’s office also did not
respond to follow-up questions about who uploaded the dataset
and whether it had been reviewed and tested by anyone beforehand.

The company told the Washington Times they had nothing to do with
the problem. (..)

Adding to the intrigue, Dominion Voting Systems has apparent
ties to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat.
Bloomberg reported in April of last year that Dominion Voting
Systems — which commands more than a third of the voting-machine
market without having Washington lobbyists —
has hired its first, a high-powered firm that includes a
longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
They hired Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck. Nadeam Elshami,
Pelosi’s former chief of staff, is one of the lobbyists
on the account.

Editor’s Note:

This is beyond suspicious. With reports of “The Hammer” and
“Scorecard” being used to steal the election, additional
attention needs to be put on Dominion Voting Systems.
If the fix is in, this company may be involved.
(Viktig avsløring av høytekno-spionasje)

[ ]

Komplikasjon levert i samme floke:
'Kgl. Ukrenkelig' patentvernet programvare <

Etterforskere må nok til Høyesterett for å få innsyn i
patentert programvare; alle stater og brukere måtte skrive på
aldri prøve å etterse den Ukrenkelige Programvares mekanikk.
Monumental offentlig inkompetanse alt der, når det skal velges
noe viktigere enn representanter til elevråd?

"What is so secret about the way these machines are counting
our votes?”

En mafia-Dypstat handler typisk inn programvare fra fasade-
firmaer sterkt knyttet til Kinas data- og teknovare bransje,
som er Kinas kommunistpartis statseiendom.
Om Kina er sterkt inne i spionasje, listig og teknoavansert?
Ikke noe 'hett tips' akkurat. ("Heil Huawei!")

Diverse nasjoner driver stadig hemmelig småkrig mot hverandre,
ved spesialstyrker, agentkorps og 'intel(ligence)' -
noe spionforfatter Arild Rypdal har kjent til siden han var
guttunge, eller sjekk Jan Guillous folkelige agent Hamilton..

Så kinesisk sett må det ha vært viktig å trenge inn i USAs
valgmaskineri og justere litt. Til fordel for partikamerater
i land man ønsker å okkupere snart, allikevel..

Covid-19 er forresten storkrig!

Alle er vel ikke like nøye med nyhetskilder, for noen vil det
holde å få opplest hvem som er nyinnsatt diktator over oss.
(Hvem som blir sjef for Hemmelig-politiet kan være hemmelig)

Nærmest en større (hypotetisk) analyse denne helg, "GatewayP"

Våre nesten-nøytrale NOQrep. er vel litt ironiske her:
"It sounds like fodder for conspiracy theorists, but .... "

eller tror de på alvor at valgfusk prinsipelt må være ute av
bildet siden Napoleons tid, vedtatt Utenkelig?

Hånfulle verden har jo omdefinert nøytralt historisk fenomen
"sammensvergelse" til 'overbevisning som kjennetegner sterkt
forvirrede pasienter', slike alene kan tro at maktkamp kan skje
ved listige metoder "i vår dønn ærlige, Opplyste Tid".

“The people who cast the vote decide nothing.
The people who count the votes decide everything”

[ – Joseph Stalin , 20th century dictator of the Soviet Union ]

fagkategori: Samtids historie, Rypdalikk

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Viser 2 svar.

Leonard Cohen told it:

Vi bor ikke i dukkestue hos Alice i Lekeland mer, avslører
kjente analytikere i journalistikken.

Everybody Knows The Fight Was Fixed

"Ask yourself: Has the power of the oligarchic, permanent
warfare state with its propaganda and spy networks, its
vast intelligence apparatus, increased or decreased
in the past half century?"

"When Nora closes the doll’s house door behind her, ..
the echo asks: Do you live inside America’s doll house
where a vast tapestry of lies, bad faith, and cheap grace
keep you caged in comfort, as you repeat the habits that
have been drilled into you?

In this doll’s house of propaganda into which America has been
converted, a great many of our basic assumptions are totally illusory.

Americans who voted for either Trump or Biden in the 2020 election
are like Torvald clones. They refuse to open that door so they might
close it behind them.

They live in the doll’s house – all 146+ million of them.
Like Torvald, they are comforted. They are programmed and propagandized,
embracing the illusion that the electoral system is not
structured and controlled to make sure no significant change can occur,
no matter who is president.
It is a sad reality promoted as democracy.

This is not a big secret. Everybody knows this is true;
knows the electoral system is sheer show-business
with the presidential extravaganza drawing the big money from
[Giga business/ finance &c.]

Biden and Trump spent over 3 billion dollars on the election.
They are owned by the money people.

[Recent presidents] are nowhere men who fear the fate that
John Kennedy faced squarely when he turned against the CIA
and the war machine. ...

They all got the message that was sent from the streets of
Dallas in 1963: You don’t want to die, do you?

Leonard Cohen told it true with “Everybody Knows”:

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died

Yet everybody who voted for the two men backed by the giga-
rich owners of the country knew what they were doing,
unless they live under a rock and come out every four years
to vote. Perhaps they were out buying stuffing for the
Thanksgiving turkey, so they can give thanks for the farce
(stuffing: Latin: farcire ).

Orwell called this Doublethink:

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory
beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously,
and accepting both of them ….
To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, ...


[ se kilde --her-- , -- videregjengitt -- ]

fra nyheter:
Stort planlagt megasvindel

over mange stater flyttet millionvis av stemmer:
Rettsvesenet får dokumentasjon ( se document: >

og nyere Fox News overblikk, 16.nov

/ / /

Kino: Nyttig, forbløffende aktuell introduksjon til emnet Maktstatlig Lureri,
ved ex-KGB (Sovjet)operatør, skarpt opplært i slikt

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

'Keiserens ny-nye klær' holder seg pent !

Hvis vi misliker veverne og vevet hans,
er det bare ond påståelighet av oss å mene at det virkelig finnes
noen Keiserlig Garderobe-Reform.

Da bare spinner vi Opp spinn, og er avslørt.

Men bare vi vil klappe og juble, NYskredderi hurra, ny skreddera..
så er vi hverken dumme eller ubrukelige i Embetet,
men riktig lekkert brukbare
og kan få lære barna Doublespeak - -
så skjønner slike små demonstranter at Krig er fred og Opp er ned.

Denne lille filmen viser oss hvor enkelt vi kan snu Opp-toget,
så det ikke skal bli pinlig gateuorden

'They think you're stupid.'

( talende omtaletekst )

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Tone SundlandNinaHarald KMads Leonard HolvikTorill RevheimElisabeth SveeNicolai Alexander StyveEirin EftevandBeathe SolbergToveIngvild SIreneleserRandiAEllen E. MartolSiljeAnn EkerhovdVibekeMarianne_Hilde Merete GjessingTrude JensenMette-MJulie StensethKirsten LundMonica CarlsenTrineBeate KristinMarianne  SkageNabodamaAkima MontgomeryIngeborg GIngeborgGro-Anita RoenAlice NordliHilde H HelsethBjørg  FrøysaaAstrid Terese Bjorland SkjeggerudAnne Berit GrønbechsiljehusmorSynnøve H HoelTherese Lier