The most dangerous thing you will ever do is
to see a psychiatrist.
Why? Because there is a near certainty you will be given a
neurotoxic psychiatric drug or even electroshock;
and because the information given to you will totally mislead you
about your real problems and how to overcome them.
Without realizing what is happening, you will be seriously
at risk of becoming a lifelong prisoner of psychiatric drugs
and the demoralizing misinformation provided by your doctor.
I am a psychiatrist
and I have been watching my profession deteriorate for many decades.
This is my most direct written statement about the dangers of
stepping inside a modern psychiatrist’s office.
My conclusions are the culmination of mountains of research...
"The Most Dangerous Thing.." innlegg ved Peter Breggin
"Dr. Breggin has been called 'The Conscience of Psychiatry'
for his decades of successful efforts to reform the field "
"Mad In Norway":Tvangs-Frittfram-loven >
«Er det riktig å tvinge mennesker
til å ta medisiner
som bare noen få har nytte av
og som skader mange?»
«Kan det være slik at et forbud er det som skal til
for å gi støtet til endringer
i en behandlingskultur
som synes å leve underlig vel
med at store deler av den behandlingen som påtvinges lidende mennesker,
ikke virker etter hensikten.»