Årets nobelpristildeling har vakt både positiv og negativ oppsikt. Utvidelse/utvanning av litteraturbegrepet? For ordens skyld vil jeg minne om at Bob Dylan faktisk har skrevet ei bok, Tarantula, som kom ut i 1966. Ei salig blanding av sære prosastykker og nesten like sære vers. Her er en liten smakebit:
i'm not saying that books are
good or bad, but i dont think
youve ever had the chance to find
out for yourself what theyre all
about - ok, so you used to get B's
in the ivanhoe tests & A minuses
in the silas marners . . . then you
wonder why you flunked the hamlet
exams - yeah well that's because one
hoe & one lass do not make a spear -
the same way two wrongs do not make
a throng - now that youve been thru
life, why dont you try again . . . you
could start with a telephone book -
wonder woman - or perhaps catcher in
the rye - theyre all the same & everybody
has their hat on backwards thru the
see you at the docks
helpfully yours,
Sir Cringe
Vi skal kanskje ikke tolke dette som en litterær programerklæring fra nobelprisvinneren.