Babbitt almost rose. "A car of your own! Don't you want a yacht, and a house and a lot! That nearly takes the cake! A boy that can't pass his Latin examinations, like any other boy ought to, and he expects me to give him a motor-car, and I suppose a chauffeur, and an areoplane maybe, as a reward for the hard work he puts in going to the movies with Eunice Littlefield!
"Babbitt" av Sinclear Lewis.
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Hun tar et skritt framover, men Tamanna vet at Nafiza ikke vil slå. Hun er atskillig mindre enn henne selv, senete og sterk kanskje, men hun ville aldri i verden slå løs på den høyere og kraftigere Tamanna, hore aldri så mye. Frykten for juling er dessuten det siste hun tenker på akkurat nå.
Kjærlighetsgata av Anne Ch. Østby