Min liste

Describe Yourself: Blond

How Do You Feel: En lykkens datter

Describe Where You Currently Live: Farlig nær

If You Could Go Anywhere, Where Would You Go: Afrika Reich

Your Favourite Form of Transportation: Easy riders

Your Best Friend is: Hanndyr

You and Your Friends are: Store jenter gråter ikke

What's the Weather Like: Tusen strålende soler

Your Fear: Ikke stol på noen

What's the Best Advice You Have to Give: Spis elsk lev

Thought for the Day: På jakt etter en skyttsengel

How I Would Like to Die: Uten et ord

My Soul's Present Condition: Forfengelighetens fyrverkeri

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Kirsten LundAvaAlexandra Maria Gressum-KemppiOle Jacob OddenesPiippokattaelmeLailaLilleviCamillaHegeAnneWangPirelliCarl-Erik KopsengKathrineVariosaLinnHilde H HelsethFarfalleDolly DuckTor-Arne JensenMonica CarlsenRufsetufsaElisabeth BækkenKristine LouiseYvonne JohannesenHanne Cathrine AasGodemineEivind  VaksvikG LSigrid Blytt TøsdalHildeBjørn SturødTanteMamieVidar RingstrømNora FjelliTore HalsaSynnøve H HoelKristin_Beathe SolbergLene Nordahl