"But where, in all this, do those NewEgypt bastards get nailed to the wall?" Miles tried to keep his tone plaintive and not outraged. "Have you ever heard the phrase, Living well is the best revenge? "Where I come from, someone's head in a bag is generally considered the best revenge." "Well, ah, hm. Different cultures and all that. Well. You have delivered me a great deal to do this afternoon, none of which was on my previous schedule." A broad hint, that, for Miles to decamp and let Wing go grapple with his damage control. Miles could just picture it; the corps drawing together not in collision but in collusion. "You've given me a lot to think about, Wing-san." "And the reverse, I'm sure. Some tea before you go?" Wing was clearly torn between social etiquette and getting on this new crisis. Cruelly, Miles said, "Why yes!" Thus combining living well and revenge, he supposed, if a petty one.
Cryoburn, Lois McMaster Bujold