Oppdatert og redigert januar 2022.

Now correctly known as the Man Booker Prize, but referred to colloquially as the "Booker", this literary prize is sponsored by Man Group and administered by the National Book League in the United Kingdom. It is awarded to the best full-length novel written in English by a citizen of the UK, the Commonwealth, Eire, Pakistan or South Africa. Publishers are invited to submit entries with scheduled publication dates (in the United Kingdom) between 1 October of the previous year and 31 September of the award year.

The number of books to be submitted by each publisher is limited to two, although others can be included for previous winners and shortlisted novelists. In addition the judges can call for books to be submitted for the prize that have not been forthcoming from the publishers. This is usually from small presses but has been known to include some novels from larger publishers as well. The prize itself (currently valued at 50,000 pounds Sterling) is awarded in late October. Shortlisted novelists also receive 2,500 pounds Sterling.

2021 - Damon Galgut - The Promise/Løftet
2020 - Douglas Stuart - Shuggie Bain/Shuggie Bain
2019 - Margaret Atwood - The Testaments/Gileads døtre
2019 - Bernardine Evaristo - Girl, Woman, Other/Jente, kvinne, annet
2018 - Anna Burns - Milkman/Melkemannen
2017 - George Saunders - Lincoln in the Bardo/Lincoln i bardo
2016 - Paul Beatty - The Sellout/Meg mot røkla (eller Amerikas forente stater)
2015 - Marlon James - A Brief History of Seven Killings/En kort historie om sju drap
2014 - Richard Flanagan -The Narrow Road to the Deep North/Den smale vei til det dype nord
2013 - Eleanor Catton - The Luminaries/De strålende.
2012 - Hilary Mantel - Bring up the Bodies/Kall fram de tiltalte.
2011 - Julian Barnes - The Sense of an Ending/Fornemmelsen for slutten.

2010 - Howard Jacobson - The Finkler Question/Finklerspørsmålet.
2009 - Hilary Mantel - Wolf Hall/Ulvetid.
2008 - Aravind Adiga - The White Tiger/Hvit tiger.
2007 - Anne Enright - The Gathering/Sammenkomsten.
2006 - Kiran Desai - The Inheritance of Loss/Tapets barn.
2005 - John Banville - The Sea/ Havet.
2004 - Alan Hollinghurst - The Line of Beauty/Den skjønne linje.
2003 - DBC Pierre - Vernon God Little/Vernon God Little.
2002 - Yann Martel - Life of Pi/Historien om Pi.
2001 - Peter Carey - True History of the Kelly Gang/Den sanne historia om Kelly-gjengen.

2000 - Margaret Atwood - The Blind Assassin/Den blinde morderen.
1999 - J.M. Coetzee - Disgrace/Vanære.
1998 - Ian McEwan - Amsterdam/Amsterdam.
1997 - Arundhati Roy - The God of Small Things/Guden for de små ting.
1996 - Graham Swift - Last Orders/Siste runde.
1995 - Pat Barker - The Ghost Road.
1994 - James Lelman - How Late It Was, How Late/Så seint det var, så seint.
1993 - Roddy Doyle - Paddy Clarke, Ha Ha Ha/Paddy Clarke, Ha Ha Ha.
1992 - Michael Ondaatje - The English Patient/Den Engelske Pasienten.
1992 - Barry Unsworth - Sacred Hunger.
1991 - Ben Okri - The Famished road/Den sultne veien.

1990 - A.S. Byatt - Possession/Besettelse.
1989 - Kazuo Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day/Resten av dagen.
1988 - Peter Carey - Oscar and Lucinda.
1987 - Penelope Lively - Moon Tiger/Månetigeren.
1986 - Kingsley Amis - The Old Devils.
1985 - Keri Hulme - The Bone People/Margfolket.
1984 - Anita Brookner - Hotel du Lac/Hotel du Lac.
1983 - J.M. Coetzee - The Life and Times of Michael K/Michael K.
1982 - Thomas Kennealy - Schindler's List/Schindlers liste.
1981 - Salmon Rushdie - Midnight's Children/Midnattsbarn.

1980 - William Golding - Rites of Passage/Skrift på vann.
1979 - Penelope Fitzgerald - Offshore.
1978 - Iris Murdoch - The Sea, The Sea.
1977 - Paul Scott - Staying On.
1976 - David Storey - Saville.
1975 - Ruth Prawer Jhabvala - Heat and Dust/Olivia.
1974 - Nadine Gordimer - The Conservationist/Bevareren.
1974 - Stanley Middleton - The Holiday.
1973 - J.F. Farrell - The Siege of Krishnapur.
1972 - John Berger - G/G.
1971 - V.S. Naipaul - In a Free State/I en fri stat.
1970 - Bernice Rubens - The Elected Member.
1969 - P.H. Newby - Something to Answer For.

I 1974 og 1992 ble det delt ut to priser.

Jeg kan ha gått glipp av noen norske oversettelser, hvis noen ser det eller andre feil, si i fra. Det gleder meg å se hvor mange av disse som er oversatt til norsk.

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