Må nok bli alternativ 2 da jeg ikke kommer på noen låter jeg liker som er inspirert av litterære verker og tror ikke det har blitt noe voldsom politisk innvirkning heller:)

Så et par eksempler;

Depeche Modes Sweetest Perfection. Hele albumet Violator er i grunn smekkfull av gode tekster:)

The sweetest perfection To call my own The slightest correction Couldn't finely hone The sweetest infection Of body and mind Sweetest injection Of any kind

I stop and I stare too much Afraid that I care too much And I hardly dare to touch For fear that the spell may be broken When I need a drug in me And it brings out the thug in me Feel something tugging me Then I want the real thing not tokens

Things you'd expect to be Having effect on me Pass undetectedly But everyone knows what has got me Takes me completely Touches me sweetly Reaches so deeply I know that nothing can stop me

Sweetest perfection An offer was made An assorted collection But I wouldn't trade

Takes me complelty Touches so sweetly Reaches so deeply Nothing can stop me

Seabounds Avalost gir meg også mye;

Slow motion movement Into the light Steadfast I walk Into the brightest sight Fusion of day and night The stars are frozen Layers of ice

Ice moving, peaceful Exalted but quiet The chill and the sea Hurl back memories Moments of clarity You are caressing me

I’ve been travelling all night To reach the coast of New Found Land To meet the girl from my dreams But she’s not there

I sit down by the sea At the coast of New Found Land And I dream, I dream About leaving

I could smell you Right through the walls These were the days Sedateness put in its place With you I let go Did you know?

I had a thousand lives Now the count is down to one Playing safe was fine But I‘ll stake it all this time As I wade in The icebergs sing

I’ve been travelling all night To reach the coast of New Found Land To meet the love of my life She’s not there

I sit down by the sea At the coast of New Found Land And I smile As I dream About leaving

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Viser 2 svar.

Jeg ser vi er omtrent like gamle. Selvsagt har jeg Violator på vinyl i heimen ;) Skulle bare mangle; jeg liker det melankolske (vel, kanskje depressive) innen både litteratur OG musikk. Setter nok Personal Jesus, World in my Eyes og Enjoy the Silence aller høyest på dette albumet, men Sweetest Perfection er absolutt minneverdig! Ett av mine favorittalbum.

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Joda, Personal Jesus, World in my eyes og Enjoy the Silence er vel så bra:) Og jeg liker også det melankolske og tildels deppresive innen musikk osv. Jeg satte på DMs Walking in my shoes på min tidligere arbeidsplass en gang, da fikk jeg høre at jeg er en trist faen:p Men Diary of Dreams er jo ennå mer nede i kjelleren, så jeg fant vel ut at jeg ikke skulle skremme vettet av folket:)

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