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2009 Heftet

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Suzanne, Lester and Perry are on an unforgettable journey that will bring them together only to break them apart as they each try to discover how to live meaningfully in an ever-changing world filled with both beauty and horror -- where some things really are immutable.

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What does the future look like? A brilliantly entertaining and original novel about the end of the economy from the visionary author of 'Little Brother'. How will we work, rest, play and love twenty or thirty years from now? The same, but differently. Technology is changing the world, but how far are humans changing with it? Rivalry, bitterness, love and friendship all still exist and demand to be expressed. Cory Doctorow's latest novel fizzes with brilliant, bold ideas about the future and how our lives will look as part of it. But at it's heart are three characters, Suzanne, Lester and Perry, on an unforgettable journey that will bring them together only to break them apart as they each try to discover how to live meaningfully in an ever-changing world filled with both beauty and horror -- where some things really are immutable.


Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007330867

EAN 9780007330867

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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