They were all brought up by three witchey-women of aunts who were so scared of men that they would run and hide in the sheep pen if anybody but their family was coming along the road.
As if it wasn't the men that should be running from them.
Ja, så vidt jeg vet har vi fremdeles ytringsfrihet.
Immigrasjon er immigrasjon, uansett hvem det handler om.
Og det er vel ingen hemmelighet at mange lever i fattigdom i den muslimske verden.
For meg handler dette om å ta opp innholdet i ei bok.
Jada, ei islamkritisk bok.
Ei viktig bok faktisk, i en tid der dette er et viktig tema å ta opp og diskutere.
Samfunnskritikk har da alltid hatt mye å gjøre med bøker, forfattere, skribenter og i alle slags diskusjonsforum opp gjennom tidene. Og når det gjelder temaet islam så er det mange artikler, kronikker og bøker som etter hvert har blitt skrevet om dette temaet. Til og med mange muslimer og ex-muslimer står fram og er med i den offentlige debatten.
Kan hende gjør det veldig vondt for enkelte å ta denne debatten?
Men, islamkritisk propaganda???
Hva du nå mener med den påstanden?
Hvis man ikke er interessert i temaet islam, samfunnskritikk og samfunnsdebatt, kan man jo bare gå til andre bøker og andre diskusjoner, der man finner ting man heller har lyst til å diskutere?
Det rare er at så mange har kommet med sterke motangrep på denne ene boka, og alle sammen har ikke en gang lest boka, og vil heller ikke lese den, etter hva jeg har forstått.
Hvem er det egentlig her på bokelskere som skal bestemme hva som er "stuerent" å diskutere av alle bøkene som finnes der ute?
Det må man vel ha lov til å spørre om?
Jeg undrer meg litt over alle angrepene på ei bok som er såpass aktuell i den tida vi nå lever i ...
Har jeg brukt ordet naivitet noen steder?
Skal man tie debatten om islam ihjel? Skal man kneble islamkritikerne?
Vil det hjelpe på problemene vi har i verden i dag?
Så vidt jeg vet har vi fremdeles ytringsfrihet i Norge.
Her er forøvrig et meget godt innlegg i islamdebatten, i Aftenposten 6.januar i år, fra ei ung og meget klok jente som selv er muslim:
Det brenner i våre moskeer. Og brannen er forårsaket av ingen andre enn oss selv.
Iqra Mahboob (18)
For noen dager siden leste jeg en status av en gammel bekjent av meg.
Den var rettet mot Hege Storhaug og ytret følgende:
«Det du gjør er først å si at du vil understreke at det finnes fredelige muslimer òg ekstreme. Senere begynner du å fortelle hvordan religionen islam i moskeer og generelt legger grunnlaget for ekstremisme? Hva med oss fredelige, Storhaug? Ekstremister blir ikke til ved moskeer (...)»
Ikke sant at ingen blir radikalisert
Jeg beklager, men hva? Ikke alle ekstremister blir til i moskeer, men man kan ikke gå rundt og si at ingen blir det.
Da jeg var yngre skulle liksom moskeene hjelpe meg med å få mer kunnskap om religionen min, og det fikk jeg.
Jeg lærte at om en jente snakker med gutter, er det en synd.
Jeg ble kritisert hvis neglene mine var litt for lange, og jeg ble skamklippet hvis alle bønnene ikke var lest.
Vantro skulle sees ned på, og de hadde ikke lov til å være mine venner.
Slike ting ble jeg fortalt av imamer, som liksom skal være viktige forbilder for oss unge.
Dette er noe mange erfarer, og jeg har vært en av de heldige, jeg også.
Jeg ble ikke en ekstremist og har holdt på mine verdier om likestilling, kjærlighet, brorskap og frihet.
Alle er ikke fredelige
Selvfølgelig skal jeg ikke generalisere, og det er heller ikke intensjonen min, fordi jeg er sikker på at det finnes en god del muslimer som tenker mye likt som meg.
Det finnes både fredelige og ekstreme. Legg merke til ordet både.
Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor det er noe vi legger skjul på?
Det finnes grobunn for ekstremisme i alle religioner og alle trossamfunn.
Men med tanke på ekstremisme innenfor islam, så påstår jeg at det aller meste av det vi hører om på nyhetene nå til dags, er forårsaket av oss muslimer.
Ulike typer ekstremisme
Det finnes voldelig ekstremisme og «vanlig» ekstremisme.
Voldelige tyr til vold for å nå gjennom, mens «vanlige» ekstremister ikke tyr til vold, men har kanskje ikke noe imot at andre gjør det.
Nå ser det ikke ut som mange nordmenn klarer å takle dette skillet, men kjære muslimer: Det kan hende de kaller dere for ekstremister i betydningen ikke-voldelig, men likevel ekstremist.
Føler du deg truffet, er det kanskje på tide å gjøre noen forandringer.
Slutt med å fortelle datteren din at hun ikke har lov til å snakke med gutter og slutt med bare å be for muslimer, fordi alle andre er mindre verdt.
Slutt med å ødelegge demokratiet og slutt med å kritisere kristne, jøder og andre grupper.
For, tro meg: Ikke alle vil deg noe vondt.
Slutt å være feige!
For det brenner i våre moskeer.
Det er jammen meg på tide at vi tar saken i våre egne hender, istedenfor å skrive på Facebook at vi tar avstand fra terrorangrepene og ikke er som dem.
Det redder ikke meg, og det redder ikke verden.
Slutt å være så feig, og slutt å feie problemene under teppet.
Slutt å late som at ekstremisme ikke finnes blant oss. Det foregår ikke bare i Syria eller Afghanistan – det foregår blant våre landsmenn.
Det er på tide at vi tar et oppgjør.
Har du hørt om Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs?
Det viser med all tydelighet hvor lite hensiktsmessig det er å ta inn immigranter i haugevis fra fattige områder i verden. For det første er det aldri de aller mest fattige som kommer seg ut fra den situasjonen de lever i. De aller fattigste kommer seg aldri noen steder.
For det andre er det disse som kommer som immigranter, som faktisk har ressurser, og som burde bli i sitt eget land og hjelpe landet sitt til å bli et bedre sted å være i.
Selv om vi skulle ta inn flere millioner hvert år, så er fødselsoverskuddet i disse områdene så stort at det nytter lite, eller rett og slett ingenting.
Se på videoen, så får du litt ide om hva det dreier seg om.
Lykke til.
Nettopp nyhetene som nå har kommet etter nyttårsaften er blant annet slikt som Hege Storhaug har prøvd å advare mot:
Helsinki på nyttårsaften: Uvanlig mange tilfeller av seksuell trakassering
Politiet Köln har mottatt over 90 anmeldelser fra kvinner som forteller at de ble utsatt for seksuelle overgrep i den tyske byen på nyttårsaften.
Torsdag melder det finske politiet om lignende hendelse i Helsinki, skriver AFP.
Politisjef Ilkka Koskimaki sier til nyhetsbyrået at de har mottatt rapporter om uvanlig mange tilfeller av seksuell trakassering på nyttårsaften.
Politiet var på forhånd blitt tipset om at grupper av asylsøkere gikk med planer om å sextrakassere kvinner, og var derfor godt forberedt.
Flere asylsøkere pågrepet
Sikkerhetsvaktere sier til politiet at det foregikk «omfattende sextrakassering» sentralt i byen, der 20,000 mennesker var samlet for å feire inngangen til det nye året.
Tre konkrete episoder skal ha funnet sted på sentralstasjonen i byen, der rundt 1000 hovedsakelig asylsøkere fra Irak var samlet. Tre asylsøkere ble pågrepet på stedet.
Kölns skrekknatt kan endre tysk flyktningdebatt
Saken om vold, overgrep og tyverier mot mange kvinner i flere byer nyttårsaften har utløst politisk debatt i landet. Et masseangrep i Köln preger særlig diskusjonen. Men først: Hva skjedde egentlig?
Overgrep og tyverier
Nyttårsaften var det svært mange mennesker på plassen ved hovedtogstasjonen i Köln. Fra en gruppe på rundt 1000 menn brøt det ut mindre grupper som omringet kvinner for å seksuelt antaste og stjele fra dem. Ifølge øyenvitner og ofre tydet gjerningsmennenes utseende på at de var av nordafrikansk og arabisk opphav. Hittil har minst 106 ofre levert anmeldelse, to for voldtekt. I Hamburg er det kommet inn 50 anmeldelser og i Düsseldorf 11.
I kept on going to meet the mail, but my heart was heavy now like a lump of lead. I only smiled because I thought of the mailman counting on it, and he didn't have an easy life, with the winter driving ahead.
Till it came to me one day there were women doing this with their lives, all over. There were women just waiting by mailboxes for one letter or another. I imagined me making this journey day after day and year after year, and my hair starting to go grey, and I thought, I was never made to go on like that.
Alice Munro skriver gode noveller, og hun har skrevet mange i løpet av sitt lange liv.
Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You ble første gang utgitt i 1974.
Novellene inneholder ofte historier med flere historier inni historiene, historier fulle av muligheter, drømmer og lengsler.
Historier med øyeblikksbilder, noen er preget av undertrykt tristhet, andre av mystikk og ettertenksom beklagelse.
Munro er en forteller som omfavner alt i livet - smerte, glede, små intriger, mangel på tilfredshet, sjøgang av håp, glede og bitterhet, og også menneskers iboende usikkerhet i dagliglivet.
Hun vet godt at folk snubler over oppfyllelsen av drømmer av og til, men ikke i den formen de kanskje forventer. Man kan leve alle sine dager mens man prøver å avsløre en bevoktet hemmelighet, men som man aldri klarer å finne ut av. Og så var det noe du kanskje hadde tenkt å fortelle noen, men likevel aldri gjorde.
I understand that my grandmother wept angrily for Susie Heferman and also for herself, that she knew how I longed for home, and why. She knew and did not understand how this had happened or how it could have been different or how she herself, once so baffled and struggling, had become another old woman whom people deceived and placated and were anxious to get away from.
I have said that my grandmother would choose a certain kind of love. I have implied that she would be stubbornly, secretly, destructively romantic. Nothing she ever said to me, or in my hearing, would bear this out. Yet I have not invented it, I really believe it. Without any proof I believe it, and so I must believe that we get messages another way, that we have connections that cannot be investigated, but have to be relied on.
My grandfather was not a man to complain. He had a taste for solitude, he had married rather late, he had chosen another man's offended sweetheart, for reasons he did not divulge to anybody. In the wintertime he finished his chores early, doing everything thoroughly and efficiently. The he read. He read books on economics and history. He studied Esperanto. He read his way several times through solid shelves of Victorian novels. He did not discuss what he read. His opinions, unlike his brother-in-law's, were not made public. His demands on life, his expectations of other people, seemed to be so slight there was never any possibility of disappointing him. Whether my grandmother had disappointed him, privately, and so thoroughly that any offers he might have made had been withdrawn, nobody could know.
I see myself searching these streets for some memory of you as I once looked for clues in the articles you wrote for newspapers and magazines, in the books you wrote so efficiently to serve others' purposes, never your own. Amusing and informative you are, so skilled you verge on elegance, but you hold back, even from that. Is that all there is, I hear myself asking, and you laughing, indulgently; what more could there be? But I am not convinced, I keep after you, I desire revelations.
If I had to describe you, as I secretly see you, I would say that you are uncompromising. And you would say impatiently that you have compromised all your life. But that is not what I mean. I wise say it: you are uncompromising, angular in some thoroughgoing way (body and spirit together), chaste, kind but not compassionate. I would emphasize that there is something chivalric about you. I do expect you, like a night, to be capable of acts of outmoded self-sacrifice and also of marvelous acts of brutality, both performed wit the kind of style that indicates obedience to secret orders.
You, on the other hand, would describe yourself as genial, corrupt, ordinarily selfish and pleasure-loving. Yo would look over your glasses at me like some mild inflexible schoolmaster, put out by my extremity. We would have to consider my being in love, the way I am in love, as if it were a curable extravagance, a highhanded assumption in an essay.
The city where you lived, which you described to me wryly, but on the whole contentedly, in your letters. Full of old crocks and bewildered tourists, you said. No. Full of old crocks, like me, you said, making yourself out as usual to be older than you were. You loved to do that, to pretend to be tired and lazy, to stress your indifference. I thought it a pose, to tell you the truth. What I could not credit, did not have the imagination to credit, was that it might be real. You told me once that you did not care at all whether you died soon or went on living for another twenty-five years. Blasphemy from a lover. You told me that you did not think about happiness, the word did not occur to you. What pomposity, I thought, taking such things as if a young man had said, them, unwilling to strain myself to understand a man for whom these statements were flat truth, in whom some energy I expected to find was worn down or entirely forgotten. Though I had stopped dyeing my hair and learned to live, as I thought, with a decent level of expectation, I did send hope in your direction, gigantic hope. I refused, I refuse, to see you as you seemed to see yourself.
He had joined these clubs not out of a real desire to be sociable but as a precaution against his natural tendencies, which might lead him, he thought, into becoming a sort of hermit. During his years in the drugstore business he had learned how to get through all kinds of conversations with all sorts of people, to skate along affably and go on thinking his own thoughts. He practiced the same thing with his wife. His aim was to give people what they thought they wanted, and continue, himself, solitary and unmolested. Except for his wife, few people had ever suspected what he was up to. But now that he was no longer obliged to give anybody anything, in the ordinary daily way, he put himself in a position where now and again he would have to, as he believed in some way it must be good for him. If he left it all to his own choice who would he talk to?
Vel, det er da ingen tvil om at Europa og Norge står overfor et problem?
Her er en artikkel om mannsoverskuddet vi står overfor i Europa, etter masseinnvandringen, skrevet av en kvinnelig amerikansk professor i statsvitenskap som også har skrevet bøker om emnet.
Hun bruker sterke ord: ”To wind up with the worst young adult sex ratios in the world would be a tragedy for European men and women alike.” Hun sier: Look to Canada. Fra og med i år tar landet bare imot kvinner, barn og familier fra Syria.
The recent surge of migration into Europe has been unprecedented in scope, with an estimated 1 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa this past year alone, making for a massive humanitarian crisis, as well as a political and moral dilemma for European governments. But one crucial dimension of this crisis has gone little-noticed: sex or, more technically, sex ratios.
According to official counts, a disproportionate number of these migrants are young, unmarried, unaccompanied males. In fact, the sex ratios among migrants are so one-sided—we’re talking worse than those in China, in some cases—that they could radically change the gender balance in European countries in certain age cohorts.
Story Continued Below
As many governments, including in the United States, debate how many migrants to accept onto their shores, they would be wise to take gender balance into consideration. That might sound sexist on the surface, but years of research has shown that male-dominated societies are less stable, because they are more susceptible to higher levels of violence, insurgence and mistreatment of women. In Germany, scores of women recently reported being attacked on New Year’s Eve by men whom the authorities describe as of “North African or Arabic” descent. While it is not yet known whether the alleged perpetrators were migrants, the attacks may finally be alerting policymakers to the risks of a male-dominated migration wave. Why would European societies, many of which rank highest on global measures of gender equality and stability and peace, jeopardize those hard-won and enviable rankings?
It makes good sense that so many young men are leaving countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria: Their demographic is often at greater risk of being coerced into joining fighting groups, or being killed rather than captured by such groups. But the result is that 66.26 percent of adult migrants registered through Italy and Greece over the past year were male, according to the International Organization of Migration.
That imbalance might not sound radical, but it is, especially when you look more closely at who those males are. It’s true that many male migrants hope that, if granted asylum, they will be joined in Europe by their wives and children, who would help balance out national sex ratios. But importantly, more than 20 percent of migrants are minors below the age of 18, and the IOM estimates that more than half of those minors traveling to Europe are traveling as unaccompanied minors—90 percent of whom are males. This heavily male subset is all but guaranteed asylum because of their status as unaccompanied minors, but they get no special dispensation to bring spouses, especially since the European Court of Human Rights recently ruled that European Union countries are not required to recognize the legality of child marriages among migrants.
To see how these overall figures affect specific countries—and why there is reason for concern—consider the case of Sweden, which has been especially transparent about its migration statistics and whose ratios mirror the broader trend in Europe in many respects.
According to Swedish government statistics, as of the end of November, 71 percent of all applicants for asylum to Sweden in 2015 were male. More than 21 percent of all migrants to Sweden were classified as unaccompanied minors, representing more than half of all minor migrants to the country. For accompanied minors, the sex ratio was about 1.16 boys for every one girl. But for unaccompanied minors, the ratio was 11.3 boys for every one girl. In other words, the Swedish case confirms IOM’s statistic that more than 90 percent of unaccompanied minors are male. Indeed, on average, approximately 90 unaccompanied boys entered Sweden every single day in 2015, compared with eight unaccompanied girls.
Those numbers are a recipe for striking imbalances within Sweden. Consider that more than half of these unaccompanied minors entering Sweden are 16 or 17 years old, or at least claim to be. (There are no medical checks of age for Swedish asylum-seekers, and applicants who say they’re under 18 receive special consideration in the asylum process.) In this age group more than three-quarters are unaccompanied, meaning they are overwhelmingly male. According to calculations based on the Swedish government’s figures, a total of 18,615 males aged 16 and 17 entered Sweden over the course of the past year, compared with 2,555 females of the same age. Sure enough, when those figures are added to the existing counts of 16- and 17-year-old boys and girls in Sweden—103,299 and 96,524, respectively, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s International Database—you end up with a total of 121,914 males in Sweden aged 16 or 17 and 99,079 females of the same age. The resulting ratio is astonishing: These calculations suggest that as of the end of 2015, there were 123 16- and 17-year-old boys in Sweden for every 100 girls of that age.
If that trend continues into 2016 or even beyond, each successive late adolescent cohort of 16- and 17-year-olds will be similarly abnormal, and over time the abnormality will become an established fact of the broader young adult population in Sweden. (Hans Rosling, the Swedish data visualizer who created the GapMinder Foundation, has similar estimates regarding the alteration of Swedish sex ratios.) In China, long the most gender-imbalanced country in the world, the male-to-female ratio of approximately 117 boys for every 100 girls in this age group now comes up short of Sweden’s gender gap. China’s sex ratios are still more abnormal across other age groups; the imbalances there extend all the way down to birth sex ratios due to the country’s severe birth restrictions, while Sweden’s abnormalities do not. But young adult sex ratios are arguably the most crucial of all for social stability.
Canada is the one country so far that seems to think this is cause for concern. Faced with similarly skewed sex ratios among asylum-seekers, the new liberal administration of Justin Trudeau announced in late November that, starting in 2016, it would accept only women, accompanied children and families from Syria. Specifically excluded would be unaccompanied minor males and single adult males (unless they are members of the LGBTQ community); those excluded will primarily be older teen and young adult men.
Fear of terrorism could well be part of Canada’s calculus, especially in the wake of attacks perpetrated by migrants in Europe and the United States; in the overwhelming majority of cases, terror attacks are carried out by unattached young adult men. Most of these men are unmarried, and virtually none have children. Indeed, the Islamic State reportedly discourages its male fighters from having children so that they are more willing to engage in suicide attacks, and widows of suicide bombers are quickly forced to remarry, while remaining on birth control.
But fear of terrorism might not be the only reason to be leery of highly abnormal sex ratios among the young adult population. As my co-author Andrea Den Boer and I argued in our book, societies with extremely skewed sex ratios are more unstable even without jihadi ideologues in their midst. Numerous empirical studies have shown that sex ratios correlate significantly with violence and property crime—the higher the sex ratio, the worse the crime rate. Our research also found a link between sex ratios and the emergence of both violent criminal gangs and anti-government movements. It makes sense: When young adult males fail to make the transition to starting a household—particularly those young males who are already at risk for sociopathic behavior due to marginalization, a common concern among immigrants—their grievances are aggravated.
There are also clearly negative effects for women in male-dominated populations. Crimes such as rape and sexual harassment become more common in highly masculinized societies, and women’s ability to move about freely and without fear within society is curtailed. In addition, demand for prostitution soars; that would create a deeply ironic outcome for Sweden, which invented the path-breaking Swedish abolitionist approach to prostitution.
Europe is famously progressive on women’s rights, and some European governments have even created voluntary classes for migrants to understand how the treatment of women may be profoundly different in their new homes. But even with such efforts there is the potential for real regress when the young adult sex ratio is so high. And what is often invisible in the debates over migration is that the women left behind by this largely male exodus are usually left in dire situations: In displaced persons camps in Syria or refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan and surrounding countries, female-headed households live in fear and penury, prey to exploitation and abuse. Sweden’s foreign minister, Margot Wallström rightly emphasizes her country’s “feminist foreign policy”—but can Sweden really consider its migration policy to be feminist?
While the humanitarian needs of the refugees streaming into Europe must be foremost in our minds at this time, policymakers in Sweden and other countries should also think of the long-term consequences of an unprecedented alteration in the young adult sex ratios of their societies. The Canadian approach should be carefully studied, and perhaps adapted by other countries. After all, if the sex ratios of the migrants’ countries of origins are balanced, is it not odd to accept predominantly male migrants for asylum?
As anthropologist Barbara Miller has persuasively argued, a normal sex ratio is a “public good” and therefore deserves state protection. For Sweden—or any other European country—to wind up with the worst young adult sex ratios in the world would be a tragedy for European men and women alike.
Read more:
Har du noen kommentar til no-go-sonene som min venn i England faktisk nevner i denne emailen?
Mener du at det er Hege Storhaug som har skapt den situasjonen vi har i Norge og i Europa i dag?
Og mener du at det er Hege Storhaug alene som skal løse alle problemene vi har i Norge og Europa?
Siterer deg: "Den dagen Hege Storhaug gir ut ei bok der hun foreslår konkrete tiltak for å bedre den situasjonen hun beskriver, skal jeg vurdere å lese den."
Hun har pekt på problemene i mange år, og advart mot hva som skjer, og nå endelig, når folk begynner å se hva som skjer, så skal hun få skylda for at tingene er blitt som de er blitt?
Jeg poster det samme svaret til deg som til en annen her.
Dessverre er mange av innleggene her fjernet av en eller annen grunn, men iallfall, her kommer eksempler på hvordan det er flere steder i England:
Jeg har en venn i England.
Her er et utdrag fra en mail jeg har fått av ham i dag, om no-go-soner i London, og hva en del elever i grunnskolen i London sier. Dette er dessverre et reelt problem mange steder, og ikke bare i London:
...thank you nora, I will get these books and keep my eye out for the one by hege storhaug....
What happened in germany on new year is shocking !!!!. is that the future?...
We accomplish absolutely nothing by letting these uncivilised people into our countries, given the chance they will drag us down to their level... We should help them where they are, but bringing them to England does not achieve anything...
There are a lot of no go areas now where non muslims are not welcome at all. It is heartbreaking to see Tower Hamlets, Whitechapel, Southall and other parts of London these days, very very intimidating areas..
The English government must realise soon and shut our borders to certain people..our schools, housing and healthcare all suffer from the influx..they openly admit to wanting to rule the world and we let them in !!!!!!!! frustrating...thanks for the book titles ;) wife works in a school ages 3-11 and some of the things that come out of their mouths is absolutely shocking: I want to be a bomber when i,m older, i'm not allowed to play with christian kids etc.. they start them hating us at a young age...
Jeg har en venn i England.
Her er et utdrag fra en mail jeg har fått av ham i dag, om no-go-soner i London, og hva en del elever i grunnskolen i London sier. Dette er dessverre et reelt problem mange steder, og ikke bare i London:
...thank you nora, I will get these books and keep my eye out for the one by hege storhaug....
What happened in germany on new year is shocking !!!!. is that the future?...
We accomplish absolutely nothing by letting these uncivilised people into our countries, given the chance they will drag us down to their level... We should help them where they are, but bringing them to England does not achieve anything...
There are a lot of no go areas now where non muslims are not welcome at all. It is heartbreaking to see Tower Hamlets, Whitechapel, Southall and other parts of London these days, very very intimidating areas..
The English government must realise soon and shut our borders to certain people..our schools, housing and healthcare all suffer from the influx..they openly admit to wanting to rule the world and we let them in !!!!!!!! frustrating...thanks for the book titles ;) wife works in a school ages 3-11 and some of the things that come out of their mouths is absolutely shocking: I want to be a bomber when i,m older, i'm not allowed to play with christian kids etc.. they start them hating us at a young age...
Så flott at ei bok om en gutt med Asperger skrevet av Jodi Picoult kan være en hjelp for foreldre som også har slike barn.
Jeg syns hun ofte skriver helt fantastisk godt om veldig intrikate problemer og om personlige og sosiale relasjoner.
Jeg er så enig i det du skriver her. Helt klart er det mange forskjellige Asperger-barn. Ingen er like. Men jeg følte også at Jacob ble veldig virkelig mens jeg leste boka. Må nevne at jeg også har vært borti Asperger syndrom i forbindelse med jobb.
Boka hjelper oss til å forstå litt mer av reaksjonsmønsteret til slike mennesker.
Lykke til videre, med interessant lesning og med gutten din!