You might live on top of the biggest toxic waste dump on the planet, but if you never dig, then all you ever know is that your grass is green and your garden is lush.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

I always get the funniest expressions from colleagues when I tell them that the best scientists understand that 2-3 percent of whatever it is they are studying is simply not quantifiable - it may be magic or aliens or random variance, none of which can be truly ruled out. If we are to be honest as scientists ... we must admit there may be a few things that we are not supposed to know.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

De første tre årene etter at Karin døde, hadde vært som en vandring gjennom et Salvador Dali-landskap, sett gjennom bunnen av en akevittflaske.

Godt sagt! (6) Varsle Svar

When someone leaves you once, you expect it to happen again. Eventually you stop getting close enough to people to let them become important to you, because then you don't notice when they drop out of your world.

Godt sagt! (6) Varsle Svar

Det beste med Yoko Onur er de to hovedpersonene Yoko og Kara, 12 år. De er helt suverene og man skal lete lenge etter deres like. Historien om hvordan de to starter ReVolusjon for å få orden på mammas liv er morsom, bustete, sår og full av overskudd.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Eit barn er enda eit mesterverk av Skaparens kunstnarhand.

Trygve Bjerkrheim

Godt sagt! (6) Varsle Svar

Et utsøkt lite selskap, sa mannen.
Han drakk alene.


Godt sagt! (11) Varsle Svar

Impatience was a trait you developed in the lower forty-eight, an attribute that a child who grew up here didn't possess. Time wasn't the same on the tundra; it stretched to elastic lengths and snapped back fast when you weren't looking. The only things that really operated on a schedule were school and church, and most Yupiit were late to those anyway.

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Superheroes were born in the minds of people desperate to be rescued. The first, and arguably the most legendary, arrived in the 1930s, care of Shuster and Siegel, two unemployed, apprehensive Jewish immigrants who couldn't get work at a newspaper. They imagined a loser who only had to whip off his glasses and step into a phone booth to morph into a paragon of manliness, a world where the geek got the girl at the end. The public, reeling from Depression, embraced Superman, who took them away from a bleak reality.

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Life could take on any number of shapes while you were busy fighting your own demons. But if you were changing at the same rate as the person beside you, nothing else really mattered. You became each other's constant.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Dette var en sår bok. Jeg har lest flere bøker der innholdet handler om overgrep, og ofte der en pike eller gutt blir skjendet av en mannsperson. Her er det en mor som forgriper seg på datteren. Det var en vond, men viktig bok.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Jeg må vel få lov til å si at du formulerer deg meget godt selv! Jeg har sett på en del innlegg du har hatt, og det er veldig hyggelig å lese

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Stille vakkert...

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Som regel ender jeg i en krøll på gulvet mellom bordet og oppvaskbenken. Blir liggende å holde rundt meg selv mens jeg gråter isen ut av brystet. Store blokker av nedfryst liv løsner og går i fossen.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Det fantes ikke noe bak fasaden hos meg. Bare et slags stumt skrik som var frosset fast i knoklene, uten at jeg noen gang tenkte over det. Jeg hadde alltid følelsen av at jeg hadde vært borte den dagen de andre fikk vite hvordan man skal leve.

Godt sagt! (7) Varsle Svar

The tears you shed over a child were not the same as any others. They burned your throat and your corneas. They left you blind.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Relationships always sounded so physically painful: You fell in love, you broke a heart, you lost your head. Was it any wonder that people came through the experience with battle scars? The problem with a marriage - or maybe its strength - was that it spanned a distance, and you were never the same person you started out being. If you were lucky, you could still recognize each other years later. If you weren't, you wound up in your office with a boy fifteen years younger than you were, pouring his heart into your open hands.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Betrayal was a stone beneath the mattress of the bed you shared, something you felt digging into you no matter how you shifted position. What was the point of being able to forgive, when deep down, you both had to admit you'd never forget?

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You signed no contract to become a parent, but the responsibilities were written in invisible ink. There was a point when you had to support your child, even if no one else would. It was your job to rebuild the bridge, even if your child was the one who burned it in the first place.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

There was a fine line between love and hate, you heard that cliché all the time. But no one told you that the moment you crossed it would be the one you least expected. You'd fall in love and crack open a secret door to let your soul mate in. You just never expected such closeness, one day, to feel like an intrusion.

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