Woe to those who were never beaten! they will never be winners in this life.
Scars speak more looudly than the sword that caused them.
He did not seek to join any particular religion, and no one tried to persuade him otherwise.
They live in a very small place called the internet, where cynicism is the norm and cruelty has taken the place of humour.
"Have you had medical training?" asked nurse Spears. "No." said Eva who could see where this exchange was leading. "But I'm fully qualified to have an opinion about my own body. I've been studying it for fifty years."
I haven't used my brain for so long, the poor thing is huddled in a corner, waiting to be fed.
No man makes opportunity. All the great men ever did was to know it when it came to them.
After all this time, it still seems to me like straight and fast is the only way out - but I choose the labyrinth. The labyrinth blows, but I choose it.
Sometimes you lose a battle. But mischief always wins the war.
The sun burnt through my clothes into my skin with a vicious ferocity that made me genuinely fear hellfire.
The only thing worse than having a party that noone attends is having a party attended only by to vastly, deeply uninteresting people.
No other human will ever own me.
This might shock you, but not all the black people in London know each other.
“That's a very murky position," objected Felix.
"So's the weather. But this is England, we must learn to live with uncertainty.”
Lady Linette had warned them of this: "Try not to think it glamorous ladies, intelligence work is nine tenth discountented ennuyé and one tenth abject terror. Rather like falling in love."
That's tea for you, thought Sophronia, the great social lubricant.
The beautiful, perfect, terribel power.
What happens to you, changes you. For good or ill, you're changed forever. There ain't no going back, no matter how many tears you cry. It sounds simple, but it ain't.
Mercy-killing doesn't hold one fucking ounce of mercy for those who live.
Love, you can only be broken without it.