He had always seen his self-suffiency as an admirable quality, a way of not imposing upon other people, but he could see now that it was an insult to those close to you.

Godt sagt! (6) Varsle Svar

What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.

Godt sagt! (8) Varsle Svar

You couldn't do the forgetting until someone else had done the forgiving.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

If you can't be alone you join a gang, you drink instead of going home, you marry the first person who comes along because you're scared of going back to an empty house.

Godt sagt! (7) Varsle Svar

They had spent twenty years avoiding one another and he couldn't remember why.

Godt sagt! (7) Varsle Svar

I can see why Buddhism appeals to so many westerners. The Dalai Lama is a superb ambassador; always calm and smiling, he's untained by scandals and bad television shows. HH also practises what he preaches - non-violence, humility and compassion - and he teaches techniques that appeal to western minds. He even demands doubt, questioning and reasoning. It's exciting to hear a preacher say, 'Don't take my word for it, you must question and question.'
This is also a good faith for those of us oriented to individualism, as it offers a spiritual psychology of self-development. And its central tenet is the one thing us rich western kids can't buy - happiness.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

By absolving my anger about Christianity I have cleared the last obstacle that stood blocking my readiness for faith. I realise I don't have to be a Christian who follows the church, or a Buddhist nun in robes, or a convert to Judaism or Islam or Sikhism. I can be a believer in something bigger than what I can touch. I can make a leap of faith to a higher power in a way that's appropriate to my culture but not be imprisoned by it.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Setter pris på alle tips jeg får! :)

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

It seems many Indian men have a chronic urinary tract infection - they piss proudly beside the road, up against buildings and in every park. Those with stronger bladders just seem to love the lingam - there are more hands on dicks here than at a hip-hop gig.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

India is a man's world. As a result of female infanticide, where girl babies are aborted, undernourished or murdered, there are fifty-two men for every forty-eight women. In northern India the ratio seems higher - in the streets of Delhi and Mumbai gangs of guys are out in force, strutting and swaggering hand-in-hand, smiling and sneering with bravado. It seems no-one can adore them as much as they adore themselves; one of the most popular t-shirts stretched over scrawny chests and pot-bellies this summer declares 'GOD I'M GOOD'.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

While India may well have a soft spiritual centre, it's also got a hard head for cash, and its middle class (the biggest and fastest growing in the world) is energetically embracing the products and symbols of western consumer culture.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

India is beyond statement, for anything you say, the opposite is also true. It's rich and poor, spiritual and material, cruel and kind, angry but peaceful, ugly and beautiful, and smart but stupid. It's all the extremes.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Godt nytt år!
Jeg har vært bortreist i utlandet over lengre tid, og har nettopp kommet tilbake, så det er helt greit med sent svar.
Jeg er av og til i Sverige, og kommer nok til å se etter boka der. Liker godt å lese bøker på svensk. Det er et godt og behagelig språk både å høre på, snakke og lese, syns jeg.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Hei, beklager veldig sent svar... Jeg har fått boken i gave, så jeg er ikke sikker på om den er å få kjøpt i Norge, men du kan jo søke etter den hos Bokklubben eller på nettet generelt, ev. spørre etter den i bokhandelen:-) Godt nyttår!

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Ja! Enig i alt du sier her. Jeg fikk sett Taxi, og nå fikk jeg lyst til å friske opp både filmene og boka etter å ha lest det du skriver. Jeg kom nettopp hjem etter å ha vært lenge i utlandet, og føler at jeg har vært borte fra bokelskere, bøkene mine og filmene mine altfor lenge nå. Nå starter et nytt, godt og spennende leseår!

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Carl Frode Tiller: Innsirkling og Innsirkling 2. Roy Jacobsen: Vidunderbarn. The Hunger Games.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

To meget aktuelle bøker i dag vil jeg anbefale, da vi nettopp har fått vite at Odd Børretzen er død: MIn barndoms verden og Kristian Kvart og jeg.

En annen bok jeg gjerne vil anbefale er Boy av Roald Dahl. Jeg har lest sistnevnte flere ganger, på både norsk og engelsk.
Disse bøkene er lettleste, vittige og beskriver barndom og oppvekst hos to fantastiske menn.

Jeg har en hylle jeg har kalt Biografiske romaner, der er det mange interessante bøker.
Har også en hylle jeg har kalt debatt/samfunn. Der syns jeg også at jeg har mye interessant lesestoff.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Not with money. With time. With attention.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

På juldagen hade han varit bakfull som två älgar som trasslat in hornen i varandra.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Bara en blind kunde undvika att se att julen var nära. Belysningen tävlade med stjärnorna, och stjärnorna förlorade tio ronder av tio.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

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