It is a strange feeling, being sentenced to death in your early twenties. It made me feel relaxed, in a strange way, to know that I was living on borrowed time.
I am the ocean, I said.
I am.
I know
And so I dived into the ocean:
I crossed the threshold of fear
To the Unknown Beyond.
An eternity beyond time.
A space beyond dimensions.
Beauty and perfection.
Another Universe......
Another Reality.....
- Romola Butalia
Deep unfolds a new horizon
I add to my being a new dimension.
- Gyanendra Srivastava.
To dive
leaving behind the noise and bustle
To submit
to the danger of depth
To test
your mind and your skill against the
merciless sea
To know
the silence and life
that waits
is to know peace.
- Coen Van Wyke.
Jeg fant denne nydelige lille boka da jeg besøkte en dykker, som har jobbet med korallrev flere steder.
Boka er laget med sitater fra dykkere i India, som jobber med å forske på og bevare corallrevene som fremdeles finnes i havet på jordkloden vår.
Sitatene er så vakre, og viser dykkernes lidenskap og kjærlighet til havet og livet i havet. Havet, vårt opprinnelige element, mystisk og urgammelt, overveldende, spennende, voldsomt, harmonisk og vakkert, - og som er så viktig for oss, - for at vi fremdeles skal kunne leve på denne kloden.
Jeg måtte legge inn boka selv, da den ikke fantes noen steder.
Boka er nydelig illustrert av Mohammed Hanefa, som hører hjemme på Lakshadweep Islands.
Sitat: He is the rare combination of a scuba diver and a painter. This work is influenced by his diving. His paintings have been exhibited in Cochin and are planned for display at Delhi and Bombay.
Sitat fra siste side i boka:
The proceeds from this book is going to support Reef Watch which is a non-profit organisation doing research towards protection and preservation of our coral reefs.
My dream of a wonderful world
Came alive, when I walked into the sea
With lots of Fishes, Corals and Plants
Living in harmony
Was it a hallucination, I couldn't realize
And still more to explore
Yet I realized one thing
The harmony that takes you to peace
Which we miss the most today
Oh! Man realize and be good to Nature.
- Ashik Shamsudheen
On one side the wondorous wall of corals
The elemental sculptures in elemental colours,
On the other, the deep
It's unending sweep
Awesome, forbidding
Mystical, tempting
All around, silver bubbles profusion
And picean's pervasive procession
In the primeval womb, I float
The body renews, the spirit soars.
- Gyanendra Srivastava.
Great things will come
Soon to pass,
But the wonders of the sea
Never fade
- Rohan Cama
Within the ocean
You live in the absolute moment
And get a glimpse of eternity.
- Bindoo Purnaiya.
What flows must ebb
What lives must die
But the sea will
go on forever
- Dilkhush Dalal.
Unending expanse of undulating water
I afloat
In the primeval womb
- Gyanendra Srivastava.
Beautiful creatures
With age old eyes
Turtles are spirits
- In disguise
Do we see?
the truths of the sea?
in its surf
and in its depth?
- Shahnaz Sayeed.
Melt your body in the sea
Until only your soul exists
And you will be as immense and powerful
As the mighty ocean
- Hugues Vitry.
Sometimes I feel as though that's what I've been looking for my whole life. Just something solid to hold on to.
In reality, life was difficult, and there was seldom a time when everything was all right.
The past isn't useful until its place in the present is found.
Takk for gode forslag, men det var en annen :)
Den var det - takk! Har du lest den -anbefales?
Nei, det er nok ikke den, men takk - for en spennende bok!