If the person also starts snoring, you can safely assume that your communication has failed.
A believer in the doctrine of fate kills, by his own hand, the most powerful inner willpower and drives himself to blind, passive compliance. But whoever believes that where there is a will, there is a way can work miracles and make possible the impossible.
At this height the world seemed fixed and unreal, without the complications of before and after. Even the string of eagles and few daring crows tracing the slow-moving air currents high up in the mercurial blue seemed stangley stuck in time, their long ellipses suggesting a state of being in which things always were, again and again, from past into present, and from present back into past.
Always watch your tail. As long as you can see your tail behind you, you are safe. But in unexpected situations of extreme danger, it is prudent to put it between your hind legs.
Follow your heart. It rarely leads you astray. It's thinking that gets us into trouble.
Reverend Father, we know that we are on our way to die, but to die is better than to pray together with these dogs.
Urgency knows neither law nor obstacles.
Cease to be apathetic, indifferent! Exalt yourself by devoting yourself to others, enrich yourself by making everyone's destiny your own, by enduring and understanding every facet of human suffering through your pity.
Even a blind man can hear the nightingale sing.
Hating is nothing other than loving yourself above all else, closing yourself off to noble sentiments and rejecting the possibility that others may enjoy life. So hate is love. Everything is love.
It is normal to start at one point and reach the ends, because everything is connected and you must consider opposites to understand the great secrets.
She was scared, but she put up no resistance, because there was no violence but rather desire, no rejection, but rather pleasure.
They're like people, stones are: they're young or old, hard or soft, polished or rough, sharp, punk and covered with pores, striated with veins, sly or dependable enough to hold your foot when you slip, faithless, glad at your misfortunes, faithful, remaining on duty in foundations for centuries, dull-witted, morose, proud, dreaming of becoming epitaphs, modest, devoted without hope of recompense lined up on the ground in endless cobblestone rows like nameless people, nameless to the end of time.
At night, when everyone was sleeping as God had ordained, the statue would be out there standing erect. Day and night, summer and winter, it would stand. People laughed and cried, gave orders, died. But not the statue. It just stood there, mute. And everyone knew how suspicious silence was.
All former inmates are hereby called upon to return to serve out their sentences.
To tell the truth, a star falling from the sky made about as much impression on me as a button falling off a coat.
You can't understand what a free city means, because you're growing up in slavery.
Vi leser fra de som er født i Botswana, så desverre er han da ikke der. Kanskje når vi kjem til USA. Da blir det nok vanskelig å velge.
Der vi kan finne romaner, vil vi helst lese de ja.
Hvilke bøker anbefaler du?