Chasing the rainbow

the story of road cycling's world championships

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Aurum Press 2017 Innbundet

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The complete history of both the men's and women's road World Cycling Championships including the famous routes, momentous victories and the characters, climbs, and of course, the riders behind the infamous pursuit for one of road cycling's greatest prizes: the Rainbow Jersey. Jam-packed with exclusive rider interviews with previous champions, including Stephen Roche, Cadel Evans and Nicole Cooke, and with foreword by Brian Cookson, this book tells for the first time the history of one of one of road cycling's greatest prizes. Exclusive interviews and features including: Marcel Kint Yvonne Reynders Barry Hoban Felice Gimondi Keetie Van Oosten-Hage Mandy Jones Stephen Roche Catherine Marsal Oscar Freire Nicole Cooke Cadel Evans


Forlag Aurum Press

Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781781316313

EAN 9781781316313

Språk Engelsk

Sider 304

Utgave 1

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