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De tilskuerne som har vært på Polo Grounds i dag, vil kunne fortelle det til barnebarna - de vil være de storskrytende gamle mennene som bøyer seg fram mot det neste århundret og prøver å overbevise alle som vil høre på dem, tvinger det på dem med en dunst av medisiner i pusten, at de var der da det skjedde.
"I have a mushroom-shaped tumor."
"The doctor calls it a fungating mass."
"I don't know that term."
"I don't know it either. It's not in the dictionary because I looked in two dictinaries. When they get their terms outside the dictionary, it means they're telling you goodbye."
Acey told me she was at a party and she said to a man, What do men really want from women, and he said, Blowjobs, and she said, You can get that from men.
The Thompson homer continues to live because it happened decades ago when things were not replayed and worn out and run down and used up before midnight of the first day. The scratchier an old film or an old videotape, the clearer the action in a way. Because it's not in competition for our attention with a thousand other pieces of action. Because it's something's that's preserved and unique.
Ivie comes in and does not look at him. She has a way of not looking at him that ought to be studied by science. That's how good she is at doing it, sweeping the room with her look but missing him completely- a thing science ought to investigate for military use.