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old goat
climbing into a greater
Anatoly Kudryavitsky
in my hermitage
all that I need . . .
wind in the pines
Ōtagaki Rengetsu (1791 – 1875)
this autumn
I’ll be looking at the moon
with no child on my knee
Uejima Onitsura (1661–1738)
like the peaks
of the Himalayas . . .
good men shine from afar
— Buddha
a traveling monk
vanishes in mist . . .
a distant bell
Meisetsu (1847 – 1926)
h u n g e r
he fills it with the lord's
holy name
Christina Chin
raven, did you just call my name
from shadowland?
. . . frosty morning
Shukabo (1717-1775)
the gates alone remain
of some great Buddhist temple
on this withered plain
Masaoka Shiki (1867–1902)
little Buddha
in the bottom drawer―
left behind
Jerome Gagnon
emptying his thoughts
into the rising sun . . .
hilltop monk
Adjei Agyei - Baah