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'[…] This place feels more like home because it's where I've been able to grow back into myself again. You helped me do that, and I'm happy about that, Henry. And a house or a state, a career, or even this ranch isn't home, just because of it's location. My life is me, and you, and this chaotic family that I don't even have to worry about scaring you off with, since you already know how insane they are and love them anyways. My home, my life is with the ones I love.'
'When you buy a new plant, you often have to cut the roots when it comes out of the pot. That way, when you put it into the ground, the roots will reach outward, and it will thrive. If you left it in that plastic pot, in that compacted shape it's in, the roots would grow around and around in a tangled mass until it'd choke the life from itself. It would become too rootbound to grow.'