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She'd spent many contented hours in this library, ever since she'd walked in that first time in Year Seven and lost herself for the entire lunch-time in the hundreds upon hundreds of books around her. In a library, there were millions of possibilities right in front of you. The key to other worlds, doors to other people and experiences, pathways to understanding the world. In a library, she was at her happiest: exploring bookcases, finding new titles, running a finger along the spines and conjuring up memories of the books she'd read and loved. Bliss.

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Kirsten LundMarit HøvdeIreneleserFiolingar hAnette Christin MjøsJ FHarald KTine SundalPer LundKaramasov11RufsetufsaInge KnoffAkima MontgomeryJane Foss HaugenJulie StensethSigrid NygaardHarald AndersenBjørg L.Synnøve H HoelAgneslillianerKarin BergIngunn STom-Erik FallaSigrid Blytt TøsdalGroMads Leonard Holvikmay britt FagertveitNorahMcHempettEvaStig TThereseMarit HeimstadLailaHannesomniferumTonje-Elisabeth StørkersenTralte