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AIDS is the biogenetic equivalent of the atom bomb.

The "Manhattan Project," the secret program to develop the bomb,
had its beginnings in 1939 with a letter from Einstein
to President Roosevelt alerting him that German physicists had
recently entered an historically new realm in their research
and would someday be capable of creating an explosive, based
on the splitting of the atom,
that would be unimaginably more destructive than any other weapon
ever known to mankind.
From that moment on, it was a certainty that the weapon would be built
—and used — someday.

I don't know when the virus that would kill by destroying the human
immune system was first conceived in some scientist's brain.
But intelligence reports indicate that the actual laboratory
experiments — at Fort Detrick, Los Alamos and Cold Spring Harbor —
began during the 1960s.


The federal agency responsible for controlling the outbreak of epidemics,
the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, recently circulated a secret
memo to its top officials
estimating that one out of eight children born in America today
will die of AIDS before they reach the age of 50.

A secret CIA report has concluded that twenty-five percent of Americans
now showing symptoms of AIDS are in their early twenties —
which means they contracted the disease while teenagers.

"For every documented case of a young person testing positive
for the HIV virus," the CIA report continues,
"there are 1,000 others who carry the highly active virus,
without even being aware of it." ( . . )

..Jean Denezet, one of the French bankers who was present
during McNamara's 1970 speech on population control, told Le Figaro,
the newspaper most closely aligned with the French government:
"World financial crisis will become virtually inevitable.
Political consequences, just like in 1930, will be serious, but this
time they will take place in the Third World."

Denezet made other remarks that Le Figaro chose not to publish.
Here's the rest of what Denezet said in 1983:
"Horrible things are going to happen in the Third World — and
there is nothing to do, but just let it happen.

Three and a half billion people are going to be plunged into a Hell
worse than the Middle Ages."
(Note the reference to the Middle Ages, with its oblique overtone of
another Great Plague.)

Denezet knew what he was talking about. Since 1983,
Africa has indeed been Hell worse than the Middle Ages.

According to Dr. E. O. Idusogie, of the FAO regional office
in Accra, Ghana, "about 100 million people in Africa are suffering
from malnutrition (a euphemism for starving);
AIDS carries away thousands every day, and civil wars in the region
are causing chaos, confusion and a total breakdown of even
the most meager sanitary conditions."

In 1989, Dr. Bernard Debre, a member of the French National
Assembly, was interviewed by Paris Match upon his return
from a tour of the continent.
"Africa, engulfed by AIDS, is in a terrible situation because
the disease thrives upon fragile populations;
practically all (black) Africans are infected with malaria and
parasites. … In Zaire, when we do blood tests, one out of four
is contaminated with AIDS.
All of the African countries are hit, and in some countries …
terrible proportions. Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Cameroon, are
severely hit. Zaire or Burundi may die."
He estimated that perhaps thirty or forty percent of the populations
were already infected with AIDS.
"Poverty in Africa makes a serious fight against AIDS almost

While in the U.S., men with AIDS outnumber women with AIDS by
seven to one, in Africa it is a family disaster.
Women in Africa are more likely than men to die of AIDS.
Four out of five AIDS sufferers in Zimbabwe are women.
Among women in Africa, AIDS is spreading 100 times faster
than in the U.S.
According to an intelligence report, new, more virulent strains
of the AIDS virus are surfacing. These have appeared in
thousands of cases where persons tested showed false-negative
results. It is believed that HIV testing simply did not identify
the new strains.

[ fulltekst >

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

What really happened?

Were homosexuals deliberately targeted for AIDS experiments?

Consider this: In 1969, a certain Dr. W. Szmuness was admitted to the
U.S. by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. A Polish citizen,
he was educated in the Soviet Union and had been serving as an advisor
to the World Health Organization in Poland.

British intelligence suspected him of being a KGB agent.
And yet, he was admitted to the U.S. and immediately given the top job
at the New York City Blood Bank.

In 1969, suspected KGB agents were not routinely welcomed into America
and given high-level scientific jobs.

The Justice Department would know the answer to that question, but
they decline comment on Dr. Szmuness.

Once installed at the Blood Bank, Dr. Szmuness set up a major study of
a Hepatitis B vaccine.
But here's the weird part:

Only sexually active male homosexuals between the ages of twenty and
forty were allowed to participate.

There was certainly no valid reason why a legitimate vaccine test
should be limited to promiscuous young homosexuals.

And yet it was.

And the introduction of the hepatitis vaccine exhibited the exact
symptoms and epidemiology of AIDS.

Even chronic intestinal lymphoid pneumonia began appearing in the
homosexuals who participated in the Hepatitis B study.

When the AIDS epidemic first appeared,
the Center for Disease Control claimed that only four percent of
those in Dr. Szmuness' program had contracted AIDS.

Four years later, the CDC admitted that the number was sixty percent.

And then the CDC stopped giving numbers.
Why? Because, intelligence sources told us, the number had reached
one-hundred percent.

Every single man who received Dr. Szmuness' Hepatitis B vaccine
contracted the AIDS virus.

Intelligence sources have confirmed that Dr. Szmuness' Hepatitis B
vaccine was deliberately contaminated with the HIV virus

to introduce AIDS massively and exclusively into the homosexual
community in America's largest city.

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Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar


Given what we now know about the powerful contaminant SV-40,

it was a miracle that
the polio inoculation program was not a giant disaster.

..In 1972, the World Health Organization
let an elite audience of scientists know that

funding would be available to those who would pursue the creation
of a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans

By 1978, the Olympians showed the enormity of their ambitions.
N.S.C Memorandum #46 — the "King Alfred Plan"
discussed one possible solution to the black nationalist movement
in the U.S.:
stopping the growing birth rate among blacks in America by the year
2000, using several types of deadly viruses.
This was actually written and circulated at the highest levels
of government in 1978.

AIDS did not exist in the United States prior to 1978.
Not in humans, not in stored blood; not anywhere —
except in the laboratories.
No American was infected with AIDS.
All U.S. AIDS infection has occurred since the preparation of the
"King Alfred" National Security Memorandum.

"Contaminated vaccines made in tissue cultures of animal parts
contain 'extra dangerous viruses'
and WHO smallpox vaccine doses may have been contaminated in this
fashion. According to investigations carried out by a team of
doctors from the Walter Reed Hospital,
there is a definite connection between vaccines and AIDS."

..it was a miracle that the polio inoculation program was not
a giant disaster.
Many so-called "flu shots" during the presidency of Gerald Ford
also contained SV-40,
which may account for the fact that

over twenty percent of those who received the shots
became seriously ill
and many died.

In 1977 the government denied that SV-40 contamination of
vaccines was deliberate.

The preponderance of evidence suggests that the government was —
and still is — lying.

Even as late as 1992, it was not known whether SV-40 is searched
for in AIDS victims. The terrible danger here is that
according to intelligence documents, SV-40 can lie dormant
and then be "reactivated" or "triggered" when needed,
which can also happen with HIV and two or three AIDS-related
complex viruses.

..AIDS did not exist in the United States prior to 1978.

Not in humans, not in stored blood; not anywhere —
except in the laboratories.
No American was infected with AIDS. All U.S. AIDS infection
occurred since the preparation of the "King Alfred"
National Security Memorandum.

The "King Alfred Plan" revealed that
the U.S. government had been collecting blood types
of every nation on earth.

These samples were given to virologists at Fort Detrick — ..
..the former Soviet Academy of Science in Novisibirsk ..
reported that blacks were more likely than whites
to become infected with the virus.
They would also have a shorter incubation period before
showing symptoms, and earlier death.

..people with a certain Gc 1 gene were predisposed to the HIV
virus, while a Gc 2 gene offered some protection.
As one intelligence report said,

"Extensive research .. came up with the conclusion that blacks
and mulattos have Gc 1 genes while whites have Gc 2 genes.
This, the team said, meant that Africa and Brazil would be the most
likely places in which the AIDS epidemic might start —
and where it would flourish.

This is believed to be the principle upon which the decision to
infect Africa and Brazil with AIDS first was based.
After that, they only had to find a means of delivering the AIDS
virus to large numbers of people —

and the World Health Organization found it."

The cover for the introduction of AIDS into Africa and Brazil —
with its large black population — would be the World Health
Organization's massive "humanitarian" campaign to
"eradicate smallpox for once and for all."

It was perfect. It even matched the surest way to pass
the virus: injection.

The WHO smallpox vaccines would be contaminated with the AIDS
The dangerous viral agent chosen to contaminate the vaccines
was SV-40,
an idea which sprang from the results of a near disaster
years earlier with contaminated Salk Polio Vaccine.

Until 1962, SV-40 — which caused cancer in animals — was contained
in polio vaccine shots,

and research work in the Soviet Union and Holland had concluded
that the SV-40 virus was widespread in bovine serum,
including fetal calf serum (BIV).

Fort Detrick virologists discovered that the loci of scores of genes
related to the body's immune system are located on chromosome 14.

They also found that SV-40 has a strong affinity for chromosome 14.

The scientists reported that this was the link —
the attack by SV-40 on chromosome 14—which caused polio, cancer,
leukemia and immune suppression.

The story of SV-40 first appeared publicly in "Human Exposures to
SV-40: A Review and Comment," an article by noted epidemiologists
N. Nathanson and K. Shah,
published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
(Vol 103, No.1, January, 1976.)
The article said that in the 1950s, millions of Americans were
exposed to the papova virus SV-40,
a common and unrecognized contaminant which had been prepared
from virus pools grown in simian monkey kidney cultures.

In February 1977, in "Science That Frightens Scientists,"
published in the Atlantic Monthly,
William Bennett and Joel Gurin confirmed that millions of people
in the U.S. were "inadvertently" injected with simian virus 40.

Subsequently it was confirmed that the Salk polio vaccine was
cultured in kidneys from African green monkeys.
This may have given rise to the myth that a man bitten by a green
monkey contracted AIDS, which then developed into the present
AIDS epidemic.
As preposterous as it is, this fable is still one of the most
accepted theories about the genesis of AIDS.

Shortly after the World Health Organization's smallpox vaccination
program was completed, serious outbreaks of AIDS occurred in
Central Africa and Brazil.
As early as 1984, several intelligence services — ranging from U.S.
allies such as French intelligence and the Vatican
to enemies such as the KGB and Libyan intelligence
(which had access to sensitive information from the then highly
efficient Rumanian intelligence service ) —
began circulating internal reports that the U.S. was running
experiments with contaminated vaccines in human inoculations.

In 1985 The World Health Organization sent one if its top
officials to soothe the anxiety of African governments
whose people were suffering a wildfire of AIDS infection.

He was supposed to deliver the official WHO message: AIDS was
"no problem."
But once the WHO official saw the situation first hand,
he refused.

Yet WHO continued to insist that the problem of AIDS in Africa
was being grossly exaggerated.

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Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

"Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly. Or
the current death rates must go up. There is no other way."

( Robert S. McNamara - Secretary of Defense, 1970 )

..Thus was born the AIDS virus.

[ inside the top-secret U.S. Chemical and Bacteriological Warfare
laboratories at Fort Detrick, Maryland ]

This was not a well-meant endeavor that went haywire.
This was not the work of a mad scientist.

This was a project coldly calculated to discover whether a new virus
could be created
that would decimate a population in a seemingly "natural" plague.
The experiments were concluded in 1967.

The Chemical and Bacteriological Warfare labs were under heavy
pressures to produce deadly new weapons. With the Vietnam War raging,

relations between the two great superpowers had deteriorated to worse
than ever.
There was real paranoia in both governments about the other's
intentions and capabilities.
So in 1969, it came as a terrible shock for those in the know
when British and U.S. intelligence discovered alarming evidence

that a team of Soviet virologists, working under Victor Zhdanov —
then the top virologist in the Soviet Union — had successfully
isolated a retrovirus from human leukemia cells contaminated with
"fetal calf serum."
That put the Soviets ahead in this weapons race!
It took a while longer for the Western labs to demonstrate how
human leukemic cells could host the growth of bovine visna virus.

This would explain why veterinarians participated in the Fort
Detrick "trials,"

and why the U.S. government subsequently gave Dr. O. W. Judd,
a leading veterinarian, $8.5 million to study leukemia

when human leukemia does not occur in animals.

Why was a leukemia study conducted at a Harvard veterinarian
Intelligence reports shed some light. Researchers at Fort Detrick
were in possession of all of the documentation on the unsuccessful
forty-year search for a vaccine to counter maedi-visna in sheep
and eight-year search for a vaccine to counter infectious
anemia in horses.

The experiments included infectious anemia of horses, a lentivirus
and a cousin of leukemia in humans.

The tests were to see whether the new "cocktail" could be carried
to humans by horseflies ( its normal methods of transmission;
it is not a sexually transmitted disease in horses )
and by other stinging insects.
In frequency of infection and efficiency of "contact," the tests
using human tissue were successful in establishing infection.

The significance of this lies in the fact that elements of all three
viruses — horse and sheep and bovine — appear in humans infected
with the AIDS virus.

It is also significant that these are "retroviruses." When they
penetrate a cell, they actually alter its genetic content.
Which is exactly what happens when a person becomes infected with
the HIV virus.
The sheep maedi-visna retrovirus closely resembles the HIV virus.

The bovine visna so closely resembles the HIV virus that it was
actually called, at the time, BIV — bovine immunodeficiency-like virus.

The race was on. Congress was quietly notified on July 1, 1969
of the new biogenetic weaponry...

A Department of Defense expert on biological warfare, Dr. McArthur,
in testimony before the House Appropriations Committee actually
described what we now know as the AIDS virus:

"Within the next five-to-ten years," he said, "it probably will be
possible to make a new infective microorganism
which would differ in certain important aspects from any known
disease-causing organism.

Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the
immunological and therapeutic process upon which we depend
to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.

The total cost of such a program, which we could complete in five
years, is in the region of $10 million."

He made these statements more than a decade before the first reported
AIDS case in America!

"Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly. Or
the current death rates must go up. There is no other way.

There are, of course, many ways in which the death rates can go up.
In a thermonuclear age, we can accomplish it very quickly.

Famine and disease are nature's ancient checks on population growth,
and neither one has disappeared from the scene."

One intelligence source informed us that McNamara was alluding to
the development of new bacteriological warfare methods —
and that he actually discussed them with certain carefully selected
delegates after the conference.

..In 1972, the World Health Organization
let an elite audience of scientists know that

funding would be available to those who would pursue the creation
of a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans:

"An attempt should be made to see if viruses can, in fact, exert
selective effects on immune functions. The possibility should be
looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be
impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively
the cell responding to the virus."
(World Health Bulletin, 1972, 47, 257 and Fed Proc 1972 31:1087)

By 1978, the Olympians showed the enormity of their ambitions.
National Security Council Memorandum #46 — which became known among
the few who were privy to it as the "King Alfred Plan" —
discussed one possible solution to the black nationalist movement
in the U.S.:
stopping the growing birth rate among blacks in America by the year
2000, using several types of deadly viruses.
This was actually written and circulated at the highest levels
of government in 1978.

AIDS did not exist in the United States prior to 1978.
Not in humans, not in stored blood; not anywhere —
except in the laboratories.
No American was infected with AIDS.
All U.S. AIDS infection has occurred since the preparation of the
"King Alfred" National Security Memorandum.

"Contaminated vaccines made in tissue cultures of animal parts
contain 'extra dangerous viruses'
and WHO smallpox vaccine doses may have been contaminated in this
fashion. According to investigations carried out by a team of
doctors from the Walter Reed Hospital,
there is a definite connection between vaccines and AIDS."

( kildetekst >

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

This aristocratic tradition of "population control"

found its expression in America in the early 20th Century
with the formation in 1904 of
what was then known as the "Station for Experimental Evolution."

Funded by generous grants from Andrew Carnegie — who stated
publicly that he was a hearty supporter of Malthus' ideas on
"population control" — Cornelius Vanderbilt, J. P. Morgan
and John D. Rockefeller,
the Station conducted experiments involving different races.

One of their goals was to learn how to curb the rapid birth
rate of blacks and other "coloreds."

As outrageous as it may sound now,
this was a goal that was very
much on the minds of the Eastern rich in America.
They were as frightened of being overrun by the masses —
particularly the blacks — as the British had been of the natives
they ruled in their colonies.

In 1910, Mrs. E. H. Harriman donated 80 acres of land at Cold
Spring Harbor, Long Island, and $300,000 to the Station for
Experimental Evolution to establish a "Eugenics Records Office."

The widow of the man who created America's first great railroad
fortune — her fortune was estimated at somewhere around a half
billion dollars.

The newspapers called her the richest woman in the world, and she
became a driving force behind eugenics research in America.

(Eugenics is defined as "the study of hereditary improvement
by genetic control.")

The thrust of the research conducted at Cold Spring Harbor was
to improve the superiority of the white race.
Mrs. Harriman wanted a world-wide campaign of sterilization

of defectives "to make race perfect."

The creation of a Master Race, in other words.

The records of that era which are still available indicate that
this was a socially acceptable view among the rich
who supported Cold Spring Harbor.

They were determinedly making plans to halt the birth rate of
blacks and colored people — Indians and Asians —
especially in Africa and the United States.

A typical attitude among this group was expressed publicly by
the vice president of the Immigration Restriction League,
Madison Grant, a friend of Teddy Roosevelt's and a trustee of
the Museum of Natural History:

"In Europe today, the amount of Nordic blood in each nation is a
very fair measure of its strength in war
and its standing in civilization.

In the City of New York, and elsewhere in the United States
there is a native American Aristocracy resting upon
layer upon layer of immigrants of lower races …

It has taken us 50 years to learn that speaking English,
wearing good clothes and going to school and church does not
transform a Negro into a white man …

Americans will have a similar experience with the Polish Jew,
whose dwarf stature, peculiar mentality and ruthless
concentration on self-interests are being grafted upon
the stock of the nation.

Indiscriminate efforts to preserve babies among the lower
classes often results in serious injury to the race."

Grant was a worthy heir to the spiritual tradition of Thomas
Malthus — and he summarized nicely the world view of those
who poured their money into the eugenics work of Cold Spring
Harbor, both then and in the future.

From 1915 until shortly before World War II, the Olympians
opened the facilities at Cold Spring Harbor to many of Germany's
leading genetic scientists.
They conducted extensive research into the origins of various
races and designed eugenics experiments to rid the world of
the mentally retarded —

who were called "undesirables" or "defectives."

Cold Spring Harbor gained the reputation as the world's leader
in eugenics research.
The scions of the most respected American families, such as the
Harrimans, funded these experiments —
which continue until this day and led to the creation of the AIDS

In the early days, they weren't even terribly secretive.
There were seven superrich families who just accepted as their God-
given privilege that they would someday own America —
its natural resources and productive capacity — outright.

Their ideas were [not much advanced beyond] feudalism.

And they were so certain in their self-righteous rectitude that
they openly told the press exactly what they planned.

The press respectfully, even admiringly, published it.
(Not completely unlike today's press.)

These were the actual headlines from the New York World newspaper
on September 4, 1915:

"Mrs. E. H. Harriman Backs a Gigantic Step in Eugenics -
Would Curb Defectives by the Hundreds of Thousands Over Series
of Years -- To Make Race Perfect.

Aid of Rockefeller and Carnegie Hoped For in World-Wide Campaign."

The story began: "A world-wide campaign for the sterilization of
defectives is called for in a report to the Eugenic Society,
which has its headquarters at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island

and is generously aided financially by Mrs. E. H. Harriman.
John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie are expected to contribute."

The Eugenics Office inflicted its cruelty ...
( videre om 'pellagra'-kampanjen her >
( fulltekst >

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Ernæringslærd Krigføring:

The Eugenics Office inflicted its cruelty from the beginning.

Very early on, in 1915, they discovered in their scientific
research that pellagra — a disease that still inflicted a high
death toll — was caused by an insufficiency of niacin.
The cure was a simple dietary one.

Instead of spreading that information publicly, the Eugenics
Office urged a diet of corn, which provides no niacin,

and then viciously attacked other medical researchers
who claimed that niacin prevented pellagra.

In particular, Mrs. Harriman ordered the Eugenics Office director, William Davenport,
to heap contempt on the "niacin theory."

She knew he wouldn't let her down.
What had drawn her to hire him in the first place was an article
in which he singled out the Irish as "defectives who genetically
were not able to ward off tuberculosis."

So with that moral and scientific view of humanity, he had no
qualms about complying with her demand.

Financed by Mrs. Harriman, he published voluminous position papers
discrediting the theory about niacin.

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Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

superior races - in elitist views

The epidemic is the culmination of the intellectual and spiritual
tradition of some of the richest and most powerful people alive,
many of them famous and respected figures from families
whose names are household words and held in high esteem by
the public.
Their indifference — or contempt — for the lives of common humanity
should not come as a surprise, nor be hard to believe.

Since at least the height of British colonial domination of
the world,
there has been a potent strain of thinking among "aristocrats"
about superior races
(white, English speaking, educated and rich)
and inferior races
(white or black or colored, uneducated and poor).

The entire British colonial system was based on the ruthless
domination by a few of the "superior" over vast numbers of
the "inferior."

America itself was founded in rebellion against that domination.
The American Revolution was an overthrow of those old ideas
about who should rule — and how.
And then the new Americans turned right around and did the same
thing to their own "inferiors,"
allowing slavery for blacks and committing genocide against
Native Americans with a rapacity that would have gratified the
most ruthless British colonialists.

Philosophers revered as great thinkers by the British aristocrats
of those centuries
openly expressed their views that

the inferior peoples of the planet must not be allowed
to increase sufficiently in numbers
to use up the earth's precious natural resources
and, eventually, to overrun by sheer numbers the existing
political and economic system.

The most prominent 18th Century spokesman for the British
East India Company policies of global genocide
was the economist Adam Smith.

His book, The Wealth of Nations, is still required reading
in college economics classes.
He wrote several works on forced population reduction,
the most notable being The Treatise of Human Nature and The
Theory of Moral Sentiments,
in which he placed mankind on the level of animals.

Smith's ideas were advanced in the 19th Century by philosophers
as prominent as Thomas Malthus,
another high-ranking employee of the British East India Company.

To the acclaim of the British upper classes, Malthus actually
wrote in the mid-1800's:
"All children who are born, beyond what would be needed to keep up
the population to a desired level,
must necessarily perish,
unless room be made for them by the death of grown persons …

We should facilitate, instead of desperately trying to impede,
the operation of nature in producing this mortality,

and if we dread the all too often visitation of the horrid form
of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of
destruction which we compel nature to use."

Malthus' modest proposals included that the poor be educated
into habits of filth rather than cleanliness

and that poor villages should be built "near stagnant pools
and particularly encourage settlements in marshy and unwholesome
situations [sites]."

And he encouraged that restraint be enforced upon those
misguidedly benevolent men who would try to protect the poor
from contagious diseases.

Malthus was a respected writer of his era,
and though not one American in a thousand has read his work
since some boring college class, his name remains famous.

His writings were eminent enough to be responsible for
the invention of a word that remains in our language even now:
Meaning: "Of / pertaining to the theory of Thomas Malthus that
population tends to increase faster than food supply,
with inevitably disastrous results unless the increase in
population can be checked."

Inevitably disastrous results unless the increase in population
can be checked. Precisely.
And in one sentence, the meaning of "Malthusian"
captures perfectly what the AIDS epidemic is really all about:
Population control.

Malthusian philosophy was heralded in the 20th Century by
esteemed British writers who included H. G. Wells
(of "War of the Worlds" fame) and Lord Bertrand Russell.

Near the end of his long life, Lord Russell won acclaim among
antiwar activists for his outspoken opposition to American
involvement in Vietnam. But what they didn't know was that
he just thought war was a horribly messy and inefficient way
to kill people.
Not to mention the property destruction and expensive munitions.

Throughout his career, Lord Russell spoke of the aristocratic
aspiration toward a more refined form of genocide.
In 'The Impact of Science on Society', he made it clear
what they had in mind:
"I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which
population can be kept from increasing. There are others,
which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer.


War, as I remarked, has hitherto been disappointing
in this respect,
but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective.

If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world
once in every generation,
survivors could procreate freely without making the world
too full.
There would be nothing in this to offend the conscience of
the devout or to restrain the ambition of nationalists.
This state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but
what of it. Really high-minded people are indifferent to
suffering, especially that of others."

But of course. How else to run an empire?
In 1953, when Lord Russell's book was published, there was
very little public knowledge of bacteriological warfare.
Yet he spoke of it knowingly and lovingly, and he clearly
indicated that poor nations would be targeted.

That virulent strain of thought continues — and reaches
to the top.
In 1962, the CIBA foundation held a symposium,
"Man and His Future," at which the keynote speaker was
Francis Krick.
His favored tactics of population control included putting
a chemical that would cause sterility in the water supplies
of those nations he judged as "not fit to have children."
Other nations deemed fit would be given a license to
purchase an antidote.

"This approach may run against Christian ethics," he said
in a nice touch of understatement,
"but I do not see why people should have a right to have children.

We might be able to achieve remarkable results after twenty
or thirty years by limiting reproduction to genetically superior

He talked about the benefits that could come to a country that
"improved its population on a grand scale."

What type of people was Frick talking about?
A study of his work leaves no doubt that "limiting reproduction
to genetically superior couples," as he wished to do,
would exclude Negroes, Jews, Gypsies and the Asian races.

The year was not 1939 but 1962, and the country was not
Nazi Germany, but the United States of America.

These were not the musings of a deranged madman, but the
philosophical essence of one of the foremost microbiologists
in the world. Francis Krick was a winner of the Nobel Prize.

And thirty-some years later, here we are.
Those responsible for the AIDS epidemic have at long last
created the perfect tool for their Malthusian solution
to their most pressing problem:
Population control.

( kap.fulltekst )

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

One of the most important investigations into AIDS

was carried out in 1988 by the Social Services Committee of
the House of Commons in the British Parliament.
They were given considerable help, incidentally, by disaffected
intelligence service agents
and members of the medical and dental professions.

The "Third Report from the Social Services Committee,
Problems Associated with AIDS, Minutes of Evidence and Memoranda"
is of great interest.

One of its quoted documents is a memorandum from Dr. John Seale,
Royal Society of Medicine, who has come as close to the truth
publicly as any medical authority in the world.
What he says contains great wisdom — and the beginnings of
solutions that could ultimately save millions of lives.
This is an historically important document.

Dr. Seale:

No politician can make rational decisions to deal with AIDS without
a clear understanding of the nature and severity of the epidemic,

the means of transmission of the virus,
and the prospects of a cure or preventive vaccine.

The key scientific facts underlying the epidemic are quite simple,
though AIDS is perceived to be unusually complex and full of
scientific uncertainties.
These perceptions have been produced by a few scientists and
who have recklessly minimized the seriousness
of the epidemic and have fostered confusion and dangerous misconceptions.

The most important and urgent task for politicians, both in Government
and in Parliament, is to force scientists to speak clearly, precisely
and honestly about the AIDS epidemic.

Half-truths, wishful thinking, flawed scientific hypotheses and deceptions
have been perpetrated by scientists
and allowed to flourish as conventional wisdom,
aided and abetted by editors of scientific and medical journals.

The deceptions must be exposed with maximum publicity.

The public must be fully informed of the true nature of the threat from the virus which faces us all. Once this is done the mass of the population will accept the measures inevitable to halt the spread of the virus, even though they will inevitably require severe curtailment of the liberty and civil rights of everybody, just as happens in war time. The longer the truth is obscured from the public, and the greater the multitude of innocent people who die most horribly as a result, the more ferocious will be the explosion of hatred and revenge against those guilty of perpetrating the deception.

The virus has the properties of a skilled, devious, hidden and implacable
invader with the capacity and willingness to kill every man, woman
and child in our country.
It may be now spreading amongst us precisely because it has this capacity.

It is unwise to think that such a force can be vanquished without
taking actions which the people of Britain accepted as entirely
appropriate in two World Wars; particularly as dissemination of the
virus is being actively encouraged
by some who wish to destroy our society."

Dr. Seale provided a brilliant overview of the entire situation the world
faces in the AIDS epidemic:


  1. AIDS is a contagious, infectious, communicable disease
    caused by a lentivirus (slow virus),
    a member of the family of retroviruses.

  2. No lentivirus has been known to affect humans before the advent of AIDS.

  3. AIDS is a typical slow virus with a prolonged, silent incubation period
    of great variability, but usually lasting several years,
    followed by slowly progressive disease always ending in death.

  4. An epidemic of a new slow virus disease spreading unchecked
    is the ultimate virological nightmare,
    yet in none of the major scientific or medical journals has this
    been spelled out clearly and the implication discussed.

  5. Death is caused by the AIDS virus infecting, and slowly destroying,
    cells in the brain, lungs, intestine and immune system.


  1. Within five years of infection with the virus, twenty-five percent of people have developed fullblown AIDS and all of them die.

  2. The ultimate mortality within twenty-five years of infection is unknown as the virus has been spreading for only ten years. The optimistic view held by a decreasing number of virologists is that only fifty percent of those infected will die. Many virologists accept this pessimistic view, that all people infected with the virus will eventually be killed by it.

  3. All virologists are agreed that once infected with the AIDS virus,
    people are potentially infectious to others for life.


  1. In all people with antibodies to the AIDS virus, some virus persists in brain and other cells from which it cannot be removed. In contrast to most virus infections, antibodies to a lentivirus do not provide protective immunity; they fail to neutralize or eliminate it. Although many people infected with the AIDS virus look and feel well for several years, destruction of the cells of the brain and immune systems is progressing slowly.

  2. The outlook for a successful vaccine is bleak. None is available for lentivirus diseases of animals. Search for a vaccine against infectious anemia of horses for eight years, and against maedi-visna in sheep for forty years has proved futile. Indeed when antibodies to a lentivirus are produced artificially by vaccination,

animals die after subsequent infection more rapidly than those which are not.

In spite of many successful vaccines, it should be realized that

for the majority of viral and bacterial diseases, vaccines do not work.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

In a 1953 cold war experiment, the Army sprayed clouds of toxic
material over Minneapolis dozens of times
and may have caused miscarriages and still-births,
a public television station here has reported.

The sprayings in Minneapolis and other cities were described then
as part of an effort 'to develop an aerosol screen to protect
Americans from fallout in case of an atomic attack' …
The material sprayed in Minneapolis was zinc cadmium sulfide,
a carcinogen, and the Army was actually testing how chemicals
would disperse during biological warfare,
the station reported.

One of the sites sprayed in Minneapolis was a public elementary
school where former students have reported an unusual number of
stillbirths and miscarriages .…

In its report, the station quoted experts as saying zinc cadmium
sulfide was toxic and might cause cancer.
It said it was sprayed 61 times in four parts of Minneapolis,
from generators in the rear of trucks or from rooftops.

One former student of the sprayed school told the station that
of her three children, one had Down's syndrome, another was
profoundly retarded and a third had a learning disability."

This was all done in the cause of Chemical and Bacteriological
We've read about its existence.
It appears in the news every once in a while. The Soviets were
said to possess a nightmarish capacity. President Nixon made
headlines around the world when he announced he would seek a ban
on it. (Nothing happened.)

It made big headlines when herds of sheep mysteriously fell over
dead in their fields near the Army's secretive CAB lab at Dugway,
Utah. The Army, of course, lied through its teeth and denied any
knowledge of what might have happened,
but the public discovered years later that the wind changed
on a day when they were testing one of their deadly airborne

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

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