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The country is now suffering from the same toxic positivity that my grandfather deployed specifically to drown out his ailing wife, torment his dying son, and damage past healing the psyche of his favorite child, Donald J. Trump.
«Everything’s great. Right, Toots?»
When she told him, he looked at her for a second and than said, «I’m so disappointed that you went to that school». Annamaria, who was three years older than Donald said: «Who are you to be disappointed in me?» That ended the conversation. His idea of flirting was to insult her and act superior. It struck her as juvenile, as if he were a second grader who expressed his affection for a girl by pulling her hair.
If he is afforded a second term, it would be the end of American democracy.
......I was wandering around my house, as traumatized as many other people but in a more personal way: it felt as though 62,979,636 voters had chosen to turn this country into a macro version of my malignantly dysfunctional family.
As usual with Donald, the story mattered more than the truth, which was easily sacrificed, especially if a lie made the story sound better.