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"..the Revolution provides the potential
to robotize humanity, and thus compromise our traditional
sources of meaning — work, community, family, identity.”

Schwab predicts that the fourth Industrial Revolution will
“lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness.”

The new technologies “will not stop at becoming part of the
physical world around us — they will become part of us,”
Schwab declares.

"Klaus Schwab and his merry band believe that.. Private
property must be eliminated,
All decisions must be made by Technocrat managers.

You must succumb to Transhumanism, the merger of flesh
with tech.
If you think thoughts contrary to their thoughts,
you will be punished. All personal privacy must be abolished.

In short, this so-called Great Reset will create a planet of
neo-feudalism where a few control everything
and the rest are little more than chattel barely able to
eke out a living. ..

how the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” will change society,

the world is facing a massive onslaught against individual
liberty and private property.
A new kind of collectivism is about to emerge. Like the
communism of the past, the new project appeals to the public
with the assurance of technological advancement
and social inclusion. Additionally, ecological sustainability
and the promise of longevity or even immortality are used
to entice the public.
In reality, however, these promises are deeply dystopian.

Se artikkel:
"Great Reset" And Coming Technocratic Reign Of Terror

"Øvrig Utland": Regjerings-etater tilstår massemord pr katalog

"Indeed, in recent years, the federal government has produced
official documents claiming that
essentially anyone with an opinion it disagrees with may be a
potential “terrorist.”
That includes pro-life activists, liberty lovers,
constitutionalists, libertarians, conservatives, Christians,
environmentalists, states’ rights proponents, advocates for
national sovereignty, veterans, Orthodox Jews, and more. "

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"BorettslagLeder Garvesund tenker for oss."

Om det gjelder vitale spørsmål om Ansvar for vår egen helse,

blir det til helt tilfredsstillende orden og harmoni ?

Kan vi klare nøkternt å gjennomgå grunnlaget for hva vi
lar oss servere for "gjennomgranska Fakta" ?

en Regjering, har den langt vanntettere metoder til å
ettergranske sin med hui og hast innkjøpte Overbevisning,
enn et uavhengig, kanskje upolitisk borettslag med god tid
og egen forslagskasse?

Kan legsauer skjønne egen helse, eller våge å beite på en eller
annen virksom medisinplante, før veterinæren kommer farende
under blålys? - kan la seg tenke over? -

Assistanse: Hvordan kartlegger du holdbare fakta? >

"Indeed.. the test can induce the problem it is supposed to detect."

"Mothers are given the presumption that their babies enter the world with
numerous things wrong.."

Fagpres., med bilder fra Wuhan, Kina mv.: Eminent ryddejobb !

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"Skulle JEG ha noe å skjule ??"

..for fremmede makter av odde slag, med iver for å dele
av hva de vet -- hvem som kan ha kjent deg, ifall de maktene
skulle oppdage vilkårlig grunn til å se deg som antatt fiende ?

du "føler da du følger Reglene, og neppe er mye skumlere
enn naboer og gamle skolekamerater"
[ så hvorfor verne dem ]?

Skulle ikke verdens geriljastyrker, terrorister og mafia
likegreit få kjøpe persondata på deg
og noen hauger med andre som kan mistenkes
å ligne deg, i mønster og svakheter?

Fra aktuell reportasje:

"another one of [Lisa, psychiatrist].s female patients had a
friend recommendation pop up for a fellow patient
she recognized from the office’s elevator.
Suddenly, she knew the other patient’s full name along with
all their Facebook profile information.

“It’s a massive privacy fail,” said Lisa. “I have patients
with HIV, people that have attempted suicide
and women in violent relationships.”

Lisa lives in a relatively small town and was alarmed that
Facebook was inadvertently outing people with health and
psychiatric issues to her network.
She’s a tech-savvy person, familiar with VPNs,
-Tor- and
computer security practices recommended by the
Electronic Frontier Foundation –
but she had no idea what was causing it.

gratis web-artikkel>

å bli frakoblet?

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moderne tanke- og motivblanding?

Much less than destroying the planet, climate change isn’t
even a settled science.

Conservatives don’t disagree that climate is changing.
That is a straw man.
Conservatives, however ,
are opposed to hysteria ,
have skepticism about the rate of climate changes,
and would like to see an actual cost-benefit analysis
of the radical changes being demanded.

More important than that, conservatives understand that climate
change is cynically used by [particular] people to justify
their political goals of steering the West away from its way
of life (..) How?

Appealing to the faith-based part of human brains,
the need for subservience, and propping up children as human shields.

( full webtekst >

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

5G-antennenett skulle oppføres i bygatene, ble det dekretert
over Nederland i juli 2019 -- og innen september hadde menig-
innbyggere postert seg i gatene for å hindre iverksettelsen.
Sterke bekymringer ble fremført omkring helsefarene fra den
våpenlignende tekniske utførelsen, av de ellers aldri sivilt
brukte frekvensene, der strålingsenergi vil bli absorbert i
huden, ikke bare passere gjennom kroppen.

I USA vitnet teknologi-leverandørene for kongressen at ingen
penger noengang ble spandert på å granske innvirkningen på
menneskelige skapninger, for å dokumentere uskadeligheten
som greit var valgt til standard antagelse. Forsøk på å åpne
uavhengige studier ble derimot møtt med sterk motstand eller

Stadig klarere står det frem for verdens engasjerte innbyggere
at mektige etaters påtrykk til å drive 5G raskt igjennom saks-
gangen, kan ha andre motiver ut over å øke ytelsen i telenett.
"Tingenes internett" og tett sanntids innhøsting av mega data
står tett i denne teknologi-køen. Prosjektene skal kunne avgi
profitt av rystende omfang -- pengebegjæret styrer over vernet
av kunderettigheter, personsikkerhet og den enkeltes personlige
frihet. Innhentingen av disse overveldende datamengder står
heller alene om å kreve slik rå teknologisk utbygning.

I mange verdensdeler mobiliseres det, men hos oss hersker
søvnige tilstander. Nederland kan gi et skarpt bilde av den
konflikten som kan ventes.

Legg merke til videoen 'The 5G Dragnet' ved James Corbett som
må ha forstått Teknokrati-konseptet og det vitenskaps-overtro
dominerte diktaturet vi bys på.

( etter Technocracy.news )

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

kan KATALOGverk STRAFFE negre, eller Jøder ?

What would happen if the phone company started deciding about
who could have a listing in their master directory?
What if they simply dropped out people who were discovered to
be Republicans or Democrats?
What if they deleted people because they had a certain skin
color? Or national origin? Or religion?

While on one hand, the phone company was willing to connect and
charge for service in everybody’s home,
those suppressed individuals would only be able to make
outbound calls and they would seldom receive any inbound calls.

Would America ever tolerate this? Of course not.
In fact, it would spark a national uproar of epic proportions.

So, can anyone explain why Google is getting a free pass on hiding
the particulars of its indexing algorithms from public consumers
of information?

It would be bad enough if Google simply dropped out certain pieces
of information, but they have gone way beyond this by rearranging
the results it chooses to release and presenting them
in such a manner to show an alternate reality that purposely
misleads the public.

This is what is called “weaponizing data”
to actively and intentionally lead people to false conclusions
in order to modify their behavior.

To say this is wrong is an understatement.
To say it is illegal is complicated, but it is certainly possible.

Inngrep annonsert KEISERLIG nok? >

( kilde: technocracy.news )

"Google has now flatly stated its intent to influence and control
public perception so as to manipulate and determine national
political election outcomes.
It does this by using AI algorithms to skew search results,
presenting their political views, and suppressing dissenting or
alternative views.

lett å fikse?

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China’s ‘Social Credit System’ Is Dystopian Nightmare

Imagine calling a friend. Only instead of hearing a ring tone
you hear a police siren, and then a voice intoning,
“Be careful in your dealings with this person.”

Would that put a damper on your relationship?
It was supposed to.

Welcome to life in China’s “Social Credit System,”
where a low score can ruin your life in more ways than one.

Say you arrive at the Beijing airport, intending to catch a
flight to Canton 1,200 miles south.
The clerk at the ticket counter turns you away because —
you guessed it — your social credit score is too low.

Not only are you publicly humiliated in the ticket line,
you are then forced to travel by slow train.
What should have been a three-hour flight becomes a 30-hour,
stop-and-go nightmare.

All because the government has declared you untrustworthy.
Perhaps you defaulted on a loan,
made the mistake of criticizing some government policy online
or just spent too much time playing video games
on the internet.
All of these actions, and many more, can cause your score
to plummet, forcing citizens onto the most dreaded rung on
China’s deadbeat caste system, the laolai.

And the punishments are shocking. The government algorithm
will go as far as to install an “embarrassing” ring tone
on the phones of laolai,
shaming them every time they get a call in public.

But an embarrassing ring tone, flight bans and slow trains
are just the beginning of the dystopian nightmare that is now
daily life in China for tens of millions of people.

A low social credit score will exclude you from well-paid jobs,
make it impossible for you to get a house or a car loan
or even book a hotel room.
The government will slow down your internet connection,
ban your children from attending private schools
and even post your profile on a public blacklist for all to see.

According to Australia’s ABC News, the government has produced
a “Deadbeat Map” via an app on WeChat, which shows a radar-style
graphic identifying every laolai in the vicinity of the user.

“Tapping on a person marked on the map reveals their personal
information, including their full name, court-case number and
the reason they have been labeled untrustworthy.
Identity-card numbers and home addresses are also partially shown,”
ABC reported.

There are reports that those whose social credit score falls
too low
are preemptively arrested and sent to re-education camps.
Not because they have actually committed a crime,
but because they are likely to.

Elements of the system are in place throughout China, as the
government refines its algorithm,
and the final rollout is scheduled to be in place nationwide
by 2020.

The government claims that its purpose is to enhance trust
and social stability by creating a “culture of sincerity”
that will “restore social trust.”

What it will actually create, of course, is a culture of fear
and a nation of informants.

This is because one of the ways that people can improve their own
social credit score is to report on the supposed misdeeds
of others.

( webtekst )

( tidl. omtalt ) -- ( "lydighetspoeng" )

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