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..while it is perfectly acceptable in any public forum to
criticize capitalism, communism or monarchism, it is a
serious violation of modern 'political correctness'
to criticize Islam.
As an ideology, it may fairly be compared to any other
ideology -- but .. Islam prohibits the type of examination
or criticism that this book entails
and even offers fatal punishment for any criticism.
Whatever side of any political spectrum you lean toward,
such a prohibition should deeply concern us all.
..for while millions of Muslims throughout the world
increasingly embrace more 'radical forms' of Islam,
millions more tend to abandon their faith altogether.
Yet while we may read all about the opinions, thoughts
and activities of radical Muslims ... the other side of
the story is rarely heard. ...
..for the most part, these "apostates" depart because
they feel that Islam allows little space for individual
freedom ;
nor does it suitably value human life.
Many concluded that Islam does not promote tolerance or
individual rights but offers suppression and intolerance
Mer detaljerte drøftelser under V K Selbekk: 'Fryktens Makt'