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Then I saw what the calling was : it was the road I
traveled, the clear
time and these colors of orchards, gold behind gold and
the full
shadow behind each tree and behind each slope. Not
to me
the calling, but to anyone, and at last I saw : where
the road lay throught sunlight and many voices and the
orchards, not for me, not for me, not for me.
I came into my clear being; uncalled, alive and sure.
Nothing was speaking to me, but I offered and all was

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Kirsten LundMarianneNHarald KMarit HøvdeHeidiNorahJulie StensethHelena ELilleviAvaFrode Øglænd  MalminEivind  VaksvikAstrid Terese Bjorland SkjeggerudBjørn SturødLailaStig TTine SundalBjørg L.ToveHeidi HoltanMorten MüllerGro-Anita RoenMarianneVibekePiippokattaLisbeth Marie UvaagMarianne MKarin BergDaffy EnglundRaymonJakob SæthreHilde H HelsethRoger MartinsenAnniken RøilFrode TangenAQuariusNikkaG LTralteElisabeth Svee