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"duty for all muslims to carry out Jihad
until Islam covers the entire globe."

"The motivating strategy behind [Jihad-krigen] .. is certainly controlled by well-
educated Jihadists, who are well versed in Islamic theology:
alAhzam for example, one of the inner leaders in the Jihadists movement
had a doctorate in Sharia.
So it's no good pretending that these people are ignorant of islamic

-The word Jihad itself is .. deeply rooted in the texts of Islam ..
Does this mean, in your opinion, that all muslims are bound by Koran to
accept holy war as part of their doctrine?

"If they are following it literally, indeed to be a good muslim, you
have to obey the Koran which is the literal word of allah
and it is a religious common duty for all muslims to carry out Jihad
until Islam covers the entire globe."

( Ibn Warraq på Youtube )
( mer interview med Ibn Warraq, tekst )

Fra norsk omtale av tidligere Warraq-bok > :

"Forfatteren er en tidligere muslim ...
Warraq beskylder den vestlige verden for å unnskylde islams overgrep
mot menneskeheten
og hevder at islam ikke kan kalles tolerant ...
Forfatteren analyserer islams tidlige historie, Koranens tilblivelse
og ideologiens aggressive framvekst."

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