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The power and beauty of physical laws is that they apply everywhere, whether or not you choose to believe in them. In other words, after the laws of physics, everything else is opinion.

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We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe to figure itself out—and we have only just begun.

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Bjørg RistvedtHarald KBjørg Marit TinholtRufsetufsaReidun Anette AugustinHanneTatiana WesserlingPiippokattamarithcTine SundalEllen E. MartolJohn LarsenTorill RevheimBirkaKirsten LundSol SkipnesBjørg L.Ingunn SJulie StensethStig TFrode Øglænd  MalminTor-Arne JensenHilde H HelsethKarin  JensenRuneAvaAud- HelenInge KnoffHeidisiljehusmorChristoffer SmedaasAkima MontgomeryKristine LouiseAnne-Stine Ruud Husevågmay britt FagertveitLailaTanteMamiePia Lise SelnesKine Selbekk OttersenGodemine