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I have a deep respect for big-time liars. They create religions. They create poems. They make art. Liars move us. Liars make us believe that Nietzsche was wrong. God can't be killed. Only hidden.

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Death does have a gender. She likes to flirt.

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We act mean to defend ourselves from boredom and from those who would chop off our breasts. We act mean to defend our clubs and institutions. We act mean because we like to laugh. Being mean to boys is fun and a second-wave feminist duty. Being rude to men who deserve it is a holy mission. Sisterhood is powerful, but being a bitch is more exhilarating. Being a bitch is spectacular.

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gretemorEllen E. MartolAgnete M. HafskjoldKjersti SJon Torger Hetland SalteEivind  VaksvikTine SundalIngeborg GReadninggirl30Trude Jensenmay britt FagertveitKirsten LundEmil ChristiansenVibekeHarald KFarfalleLailaLars Johann MiljeEirin EftevandrubbelDagfinn JakobsenMette-MLene AndresenNora KjærstadTom-Erik FallamarithcRonnyRandiAKetilRisRosOgKlagingHanneGodemineAjiniakraPi_MesonTor-Arne JensenHilde H HelsethIngvild RosslundPiippokattaBeathe SolbergDolly Duck