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He had thought her perfect-painted face could not show any emotion except disdain, but it did. She looked at him in open, blank consternation.

Chapter Five

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"Do you really think that human--" the first Lhari spoke the word as if it were a filthy insult--"will have the temerity to come in by this ship?"

"No reasonable being can tell what humans will do," said the second Lhari.

Chapter One

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TanteMamieVariosaCecilie69Dolly DuckKirsten LundHarald KNeraHilde Merete GjessingPiippokattaKetilVanja SolemdalTor-Arne Jenseningar hSiljeKristine LouiseSynnøve H HoelBeathe SolbergSolTatiana WesserlingHilde H HelsethArne SjønnesenGroMonica CarlsenGrete AastorpEirin EftevandMcHempettTor Arne DahlMads Leonard HolvikJoakimSigrid NygaardIngunnJIngeborg GsiljehusmorOdd HebækJan Arne NygaardToveBjørg L.Thomas KihlmanLailaEllen E. Martol