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Graham doesn't fill a hole inside me. He doesn't fix what is broken. He just makes everything brighter.

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My view on my body is this: it is what it is. I am not embarrassed of the curves or lack of curves I have, nor ashamed, and really, my body isn't going to substantially change no matter what I do or don't, so I might as well be confident about it. Shyness has no role in my world.

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A good thing about being so close to someone is that they know you so well. A bad thing about being so close to someone is that they know you so well.

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Wet with booze, looking like a wilted flower, she beams and somehow manages to come off angelic. I scrunch my nose up. I hate people that look cute even when they shouldn't.

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Ingunn SNorahSolHeidi HoltanEivind  VaksvikKirsten LundWencheTerje MathisenBookiacLars Johann MiljeritaolineHanneVigdisPer LundWilliam BillisonBjørn SturødINA TORNESLinda NyrudSivHarald KJarmo LarsenTor Arne DahlVannflaskeNicolai Alexander StyveCarine OlsrødDagfinn JakobsenMarianne  SkageAlice NordliGro-Anita RoenIngeborgChristofferHilde Merete GjessingIngunnAnne-Stine Ruud HusevågIngunnJDiddiHanne Kvernmo RyeIngeborg GCecilie EllefsenTone H