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And because I did not want to let go, because I didn't know how, I wrapped my arms around Thomas Metcalf. I kissed him in the shade of the baobab tree, with its upside-down roots in the air, with its bark that could be cut a hundred times and still heal itself.

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The moral of this story is that no matter how much we try, no matter how much we want it.... Some stories just don't have a happy ending.

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If you are a mother, you must have someone to take care of.
If that someone is taken from you, whether it is a newborn or an individual old enough to have offspring of its own, can you still call yourself a mother?

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Dreaming is the closest the average human gets to the paranormal plane; it's the time when the mind lets down its guard and the walls get thin enough for there to be glimpses to the other side.

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You might live on top of the biggest toxic waste dump on the planet, but if you never dig, then all you ever know is that your grass is green and your garden is lush.

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I always get the funniest expressions from colleagues when I tell them that the best scientists understand that 2-3 percent of whatever it is they are studying is simply not quantifiable - it may be magic or aliens or random variance, none of which can be truly ruled out. If we are to be honest as scientists ... we must admit there may be a few things that we are not supposed to know.

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When someone leaves you once, you expect it to happen again. Eventually you stop getting close enough to people to let them become important to you, because then you don't notice when they drop out of your world.

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Nora KjærstadmarithcRonnyLene AndresenRandiAKetilKirsten LundRisRosOgKlagingHanneGodemineAjiniakraPi_MesonTor-Arne JensenHilde H HelsethIngvild RosslundPiippokattaBeathe SolbergDolly DuckgretemorAstrid Terese Bjorland SkjeggerudLisbeth Marie UvaagAnn-ElinLailaTanteMamieLinda RastenMads Leonard HolvikAnn EkerhovdBerit B LieHegeHarald KHeidi HoltanInger-LiseTrygve JakobsenReadninggirl30TheaCathrine PedersenAgnete M. HafskjoldTine SundalTjommiLene M