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"Someone once asked me why mothers are so good at pushing our buttons," he said, "and the answer I gave was, Because they put them there in the first place."

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"I was thinking that a life is just the history of what we give our attention to", said Patrick. "The rest is packaging."

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Trude Jensenmay britt FagertveitKirsten LundEmil ChristiansenVibekeHarald KFarfalleLailaLars Johann MiljeEirin EftevandrubbelDagfinn JakobsenMette-MLene AndresenNora KjærstadTom-Erik FallamarithcRonnyRandiAKetilRisRosOgKlagingHanneGodemineAjiniakraPi_MesonTor-Arne JensenHilde H HelsethIngvild RosslundPiippokattaBeathe SolbergDolly DuckgretemorAstrid Terese Bjorland SkjeggerudLisbeth Marie UvaagAnn-ElinTanteMamieLinda RastenMads Leonard HolvikAnn EkerhovdBerit B Lie