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Mental illness turns people inwards. That's what I reckon. It keeps us forever trapped by the pain of our own minds, in the same way that the pain of a broken leg or a cut thumb will grab your attention, holding it so tightly that your good leg or your good thumb seem to cease to exist.

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The worst thing about this illness isn't the things it makes me believe, or what it makes me do. It's not the control that it has over me, or even the control it's allowed other people to take.
Worse than all of that is how I have become selfish.

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If people think you're MAD, then everything you do, everything you think, will have MAD stamped across it.

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He gets fairly repetitive when he's been drinking, and he drinks fairly repetitively. I guess he lives a Cut & Paste life too.

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Drawing is a way to be somewhere else.

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I think about how the passing of time makes everything seem less real.

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That's a fear when someone you love dies, isn't it? Especially if you're only young when it happens, you might worry that over time you'll stop being able to picture them properly. Or that the sound of their voice will merge into other voices, so that you can no longer be sure how it was they sounded.

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Billions of years ago exploding stars sent atoms hurtling through space and we've been recycling them on Earth ever since. Except for the occasional comet, meteor, some interstellar dust, we've used exactly the same atoms over and over since the Earth was formed. We eat them, we drink them, we breathe them, we are made of them. At this precise moment each of us is exchanging our atoms with everyone else, and not just with each other, but with other animals, trees, fungi, moulds -

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Nanny Noo made nice food. She is one of those people who tries to feed you the moment you walk through the door, and doesn't stop trying to feed you until the moment you leave. She might even make you a quick ham sandwich for your journey.

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I felt sick a lot of the time, and once or twice I actually was sick. This was difficult for Nanny Noo too, because if she couldn't solve a problem through the stomach - like with a bowl of soup or a roasted chicken or a slice of Battenberg - she felt out of her depth. One time I spied her standing in the kitchen, hunched over the untouched dishes and sobbing.

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