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Biler var i hvert fall bedre enn hester. Forbrenningsmotoren hadde vært en gudega... en velsigne... en stor fordel for Crowley. I gamle dager var det ingen som fikk se ham ri andre hester enn digre, svarte beist med flammende øyne og hover som slo gnister. Det var obligatorisk for en demon. Crowley pleide å falle av dem. Han var ikke særlig flink med dyr.
Two of them lurked in the ruined graveyard. Two shadowy figures, one hunched and squat, the other lean and menacing, both of them Olympic-grade lurkers. If Bruce Springsteen had ever recorded "Born to Lurk," these two would have been on the album cover.
It is said that the Devil has the best tunes. This is broadly true. But Heaven has the best choreographers.
The angel Arizaphel collected books. If he were totally honest with himself, he would have admitted that his bookshop was simply somewhere to store them. He was not unusual in this. In order to maintain his cover as a typical second-hand bookseller, he used every means short of actual physical violence to prevent customers from making a purchase. Unpleasant damp smells, glowering looks, erratic opening hours—he was incredibly good at it.
'You can' be Ansaphones. What kind of Biker of the Repocalypse is Ansaphones That's stupid, that is' 'S not! It's like War and Famine, and that. It's a problem of life, isn't it? Answer phones. I hate bloody answer phones. 'I hate Answaphones too,' said Cruelty to Animals. 'You can shut up', said GHB.
He'd found that even the people whose job of work was, so to speak, the Universe, didn't really believe in it and were actually quite proud of not knowing what it really was or even if it could theoretically exist.
Would you like a cookie? Over here we call them biscuits.
"They'd come here too spoon and, on one memorable occasion, fork."
"There was an unconnected fax machine with the intelligence of a computer and a computer with the intelligence of a retarded ant."